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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 14/06/24

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Wow, Reception Class, what a great way to finish our week with our amazing class worship to our families! 

This week, we explored our school vision and aims to think about how we shine our lights in our community and the world. We discussed how we light the spark for the love of learning and life. Using the wellbeing lesson from our learning last week, we structured what achievements we are proud of and activities that allow us a chance to shine our lights.

This linked to so many areas of learning. In Literacy and Communication Development, we put together the words we would like to say, ensuring our message was clear, and practiced speaking aloud in front of an audience. 

For Expressive Arts and Design, we chose a song that we thought matched our message of being shining lights, "We are the Lights." We practiced singing to project our voices for our school community and parents to hear. We loved sharing it with Preschool, then the whole school, and finally with our parents. Performing three times in one day was quite exhausting, so we are ready for a relaxing weekend.

In Mathematical Development, we continued to explore composing and decomposing 2D shapes, deepening our understanding. We started with simple pictures that had a template for suggested shapes to be used to compose the bigger picture, then progressed to making more complex pictures. We thought about how we could substitute some shapes to make the same shape, such as using three rhombuses to make a hexagon or six triangles to make a hexagon.

For Physical Development, we enjoyed a hungry caterpillar cosmic yoga session. We are certainly stretchy and bendy like the caterpillar!

In Understanding the World, we were very lucky to have some giant African land snails visit our classroom. We learnt about their natural environment and how they like to burrow and hide in places around the tank, especially under the bark. They come from a damp and warm climate, need clean water and food every day, have thousands of small teeth arranged in rows to grind their food, and are nocturnal. We also learned to handle them very carefully.

We loved creating some large African snail artwork, trying to use a dragging technique with the brush to create lines like you would see on a shell, and explored the variations of colours on the shell.

Have a lovely weekend Reception Class, you have earned it!

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