Welcome back Reception Class, it was lovely to see your smiling faces again this week and hear of your holiday adventures.
'Be strong and courageous.' Joshua 1:9
Reception Class, what a fantastic way to finish our week than by sharing our last courageous advocacy project worship of the year with the school community and our families. This year we have shone our lights on food poverty by making collections for the food bank and creating a community garden for all to share in the fresh produce. I think there may have been a few moist eyes in the room as we shared our message so proudly and confidently, we even managed to sing our favourite song 'Be strong and courageous.' as a two part harmony. Well done Reception Class, we are all immensely proud of you.
In our mathematical learning we have continued exploring numerical patterns and this week we have focused on halving and sharing quantities into equal groups. As we became more confident with this we made links with the fact that halving is the opposite, or inverse, of doubling which we focused on before the break.
In our physical development we began our new unit of target games, practicing the skill of throwing a ball underarm with some accuracy at a target. We know that it is important to stand with the opposite leg to our throwing arm slightly forward, to help increase our accuracy and control.
We are continuing with our theme for learning 'Diverse world' and have started to explore the wonderful world of minibeasts in our class garden. this lead to some fantastic discussions about the range of minibeast we can find and the important role they have in our natural world, especially the pollinating insects.
We read a wonderful traditional Muslim story called 'The Tiny Ants' by Gill Vasey and linked to two of our Belonging and Believing books about beliefs with the shared beliefs on caring for God's world. Our RE concept this term is Creation and the Christian belief that God made the world and that people should look after everything. We explored this through the story 'My Christian Family.' with a little girl called Vesper and then shared the story 'My Muslim Family' with Yusuf, discovering that there are some shared views on our world.
Mrs Ward and the Reception Class Team
Mrs Wainwright and Lousie
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street