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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 08.12.23

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"Far away, three wise saw
a star that made them stop in awe.
The star would lead them to the door
where baby Jesus lay."

This week has been a busy week in Reception Class, as we have spent time recording songs, narrations and scenes for our Nativity story 'Follow the star' which we hope to share with all our families once the magic of technology has made it into a wonderful keepsake film.

Our classroom has been transformed into a mini film set, from Mary's house, an inn and then finally into a stable! We loved getting dressed up as different character, even choosing to play different parts in different scenes so everyone had an opportunity to play a character of their choice.

As you can imagine this has taken up a large portion of our week, but we have managed to squeeze in some learning too. Let us share...

In our mathematical development, we have built upon our prior knowledge of the composition of numbers 3, 4 and 5 by investigating part-part-whole relationships. For example, seeing that 3 can be composed of 1 and 2. In practical activities, we discovered that numbers can be made up by combining parts in different ways. Making connections to our prior learning, we also used our subitising skills to identify numbers within 5.

In our physical development, we warmed up our bodies playing the traffic light game, red for stop, amber for get ready and green for go. Changing our movements, we started with walking, then jogging and finally running. In our dance section, we used the Hokey-Cokey song and actions to look at how a sequence of movements could be incorporated into a freestyle dance segment to music.

As we have completed this term's literacy unit on the Star in the Jar, we used our literacy time to share our 12 books of Christmas and to construct a letter to Father Christmas. I hope he is equally impressed with our lovely manners as well as our neat letter formation and sentence structures.

For our wellbeing activity, we discussed what our favourite time / season of the year is, surprisingly its mostly summer, as we do not have to wear jumpers! Goodness what a distant memory summer is.

Have a great weekend everyone

See you on Monday
Mrs ward and Mrs Wainwright.

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