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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 07/06/24

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What an eventful and enriching week we've had Reception Class!
As we wrap up our activities and look forward to the weekend, let's take a moment to reflect on the fantastic learning experiences we've enjoyed.

In Mathematical Development, our focus has been on composing and decomposing 2D shapes. We explored how a shape can contain other shapes, much like numbers do. Through hands-on activities, we delved into the attributes of shapes, engaging in discovering, describing, proving, and predicting. Although knowing the shape names isn't required, we confidently identified hexagons, trapeziums, rhombuses, and triangles.

For Physical Development, we worked with Coach James to improve our throwing and catching skills. We learned how to place our arms to catch effectively, the importance of keeping our eyes on the ball, and how to throw directionally so our partner could catch it.

Throughout the week in Language and Communication Development, we enjoyed a range of wonderful stories from our top 50 favourite reads in our class library basket. We loved joining in the repeated refrains and repeating key phrases from the stories.

In our Literacy Development, we immersed ourselves in our Ready Steady Write text, "The Storm Whale" by Benji Davies. We explored some rich and varied vocabulary, considered the main characters and what we would do in their positions, used vocabulary from the text to construct wonderful sentences about the story, and showed our understanding by answering questions about the text.

For Understanding the World, we explored the significance of the D-Day event and celebrated its 80th anniversary. We walked into Wybunbury village to find green spaces and planters to decorate with our flags and bunting. A huge thank you to our families for their great response and support in making wonderful flags over the half-term holiday. On Thursday, we joined the rest of the school to observe a 2-minute silence to commemorate the brave men and women who served and sacrificed to help our country and others during this time.

Additionally, we loved using the garden and outdoor spaces around school to explore habitats where we might find certain types of minibeasts. We identified different minibeasts, noting that most have 6 legs (except spiders, which have 8, and slugs and snails that use slime to move). We learned why minibeasts are important to our garden spaces, particularly for pollination and soil improvement.

In Personal, Social, and Emotional Development, during wellbeing time, we reflected on the achievements we are most proud of, such as scoring a first goal, earning a swimming badge, winning a rosette for pony jumping, receiving a Headteacher's award, and writing lovely sentences.
We certainly have many things to be proud of when we let our lights shine!

Reception Class, your hard work and enthusiasm have shone brightly again this week. Have a restful weekend, and I look forward to seeing you all on Monday for more exciting learning adventures!

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