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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 07: 10: 22

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It has been another busy week in Reception Class. We have really developed our good learning behaviours and have tried our very best in all we encountered this week.
Let's share...

Mathematical Development

Our mathematical focus this week has been to compare groups of identical objects using the language more, fewer and less. We drew upon our previous knowledge of knowing no matter which way a group of objects are orientated, they still represent the same total number. This helped us to explore and compare groups vertically and horizontally. We then consolidated our knowledge by representing groups of objects with cubes, lining them up and checking if groups were equal, had more or fewer objects.

Literacy Development

In our literacy development we have continued with our daily Read Write Ink phonics sessions. This week we have practiced reading and writing the sounds: b, f, e, l and h. For writing we wrote labels for some of the different characters in our class story Mr Gumpy's Outing: pig, dog and cat using our Fred fingers to sound out words.

Personal, Social and Emotional Development

In heart smart we learnt to take turns and play with others, whilst encouraging others during play.
During the first part of our session, we talked about Boris's toolbox and the tools that he keeps inside. We looked at the tools and talked about what they may be used for. For the next part of our session, we played a game of fill Boris's toolbox taking turns to roll the dice, matching the same number of tools in our toolbox. First one to fill their toolbox was the winner. We loved this game and helped each other out to count the dots on the dice. We were also good sports and encouraged our friends when they were winning.Boris says "It is great when friends help each other"
Bible link "Love each other deeply with all your heart." Peter 1:2

Physical Development

In PE we learnt to bounce a ball, track it with our eyes, keep our head up whilst travelling and bouncing a ball and know what good bouncing looks like. We started our session by warming up our bodies, to do this we played a game of tag, we each had a tag tucked into our shorts, the aim was to move around the hall whilst trying to take other's tags. Next, we started to learn to bounce a ball by standing in a space and following the ball with our eyes, we talked about controlling our throw, so it didn't go too far. When we got confident with bouncing the ball up and down to ourselves, we challenged ourselves to clap in between each bounce, touch our heads in between bounces or turn around, this was the trickiest! Finally, we played hoop ball, half of us were stood in a hoop and the other children had a ball which they had to bounce whilst moving around the hall, the team in the hoops had to try and tag the bouncers, if they tagged them, they swapped places. We had great fun, and all learnt what a good bounce needs.

Expressive Arts and Design

In our music session this week we listened to "Sing a Rainbow" by Peggy Lee. We all really liked this song and most of us had heard it before. We especially liked the part where she sang the colours of the rainbow. We listened really carefully to what musical instruments we could hear, we heard a piano, flute, bongo, violin and maracas. In the next part of the session, we discovered that we have got really good at keeping the beat! We took turns in coming to the front of the class to show different ways to keep the beat, we tapped our knees, head, tummy, marched, clapped and nodded our heads. Finally, we enjoyed learning the rest of the song "This Old Man" we put actions to each verse to help us to remember the words. It was lots of fun!

Communication and Language

This week we have enjoyed sharing stories and rhymes, exploring new vocabulary, using our voices to great effect for different characters and exciting or sad events.

Mrs Ward
and the Reception team, Mrs wainwright and Louise

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