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C of E Primary School

Reception Class News 02/02/24

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Reception Class Families, how is it the end of Week Four already?
Time truly does fly when we're having fun, and what a great week of learning it has been!
Let's share our highlights from across the week...

This week was all about building confidence in using the part-whole model in our mathematical development. We explored identifying wholes and parts in different orientations, understanding that the two parts come together to form the whole number. It's been a week of mathematical revelations!

In our literacy development, we took our storytelling prowess to new heights. Building upon last week's opening octopus and build-up bear writing, we crafted the exciting tale of Joop the superhero on her quest to find a sidekick. Our sentence work has been nothing short of amazing, with capital letters, finger spaces, sounding out words, and full stops becoming second nature. Our Reception Class is truly blossoming into great writers!

Our Forest Schools adventure with Mr. Hadfield was a journey of imagination and creativity. We enjoyed the tale of "Peck, Peck, Peck" by Lucy Cousins, and then set out to replicate the world's largest discovered bird's nest using sticks, leaves, and ferns. Selecting our bird families, we filled our nests with chicks and took flight around the Forest School area. The day concluded with some archery--no bullseyes, but plenty of close shots!

In our wellbeing time, we let our imaginations soar as we pondered where we would like to be in the world if we clicked our fingers. Yes, it was somewhere much warmer for those guessing at home. Our calming exercises have helped us transition seamlessly from the busyness of our day to quieter moments.

Our exploration of prayer continued in RE. We crafted singing/praise prayers using percussion instruments, expressing praise to God through joyful movement. We ventured into a virtual multi-faith prayer room at an airport, contemplating what we would pray for if we were embarking on a journey. We also delved into the Bible, discovering where Jesus taught his disciples the Lord's Prayer (Matthew 6 and Luke 11) and listened to a sung version by Andrea Bocelli. 

Our PE session with Coach James was a blast as we warmed up with the sharks and minnows game, revisited dodging skills, and then honed our passing skills in a game of football.

Our language and communication skills flourished as we delighted in a variety of songs and poems throughout the week. A heartfelt thank you for all the wonderful books from home that have been shared this week. We are developing a real love of reading for pleasure Reception Class.

Our expressive arts and design endeavors were filled with music and creativity. We sang our favourite songs, accompanied by instruments and body percussion, and brought to life the story of Joop the superhero through a very catchy story song.

As we bid farewell to Week Four, we're filled with gratitude for the enthusiasm and energy our Reception Class brings to each day.
Wishing you all a fantastic weekend, and looking forward to more adventures in Week Five!

Mrs Ward

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