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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Happy Summer Holidays Reception Class

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Reception Class, how quickly has your first year at school gone?

It feels like only yesterday you all appeared in your smart uniforms and shiny school shoes and we became a class family.

I am immensely proud of all you have achieved this past year. You have embraced all our learning and developed fantastic dispositions to work that will set you in good stead for life. Keep that up!

Together we have explored some fantastic topics, sharing our knowledge weekly on the website for all to see, collected food for the Nantwich foodbank and St Paul's Pantry for our courageous advocacy over the year, nurtured caterpillars until they pupated and transformed into butterflies, celebrated the Queen's platinum jubilee, Wybunbury Delves 200th birthday, grown our own fruit and veg in the garden and so much more.

A huge thank you to our families for supporting us, getting us to school dressed, ready and on time for learning, thank you for making outfits and costumes to support our theme days and joining us in church for Messy Church activities. We very much appreciated it.

We wish everyone a wonderful summer break
Stay safe and we will see you across the playground in September
Mrs Ward and Mrs Wainwright

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