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C of E Primary School

Year 6 News of the Week – 9.2.24

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A jam-packed week of learning has taken place in Year 6. We haven't had a moment to spare! I am so proud of each and every one of you.

We have continued to work on our algebra unit this week and worked so hard on our resilience as this is unit is testing us. We will continue with it next week. We ended our week with an arithmetic paper which gave us the opportunity to apply our daily skills. I have set homework to help to consolidate our learning.

We have worked hard on our explanation writing this week. We have used different adaptation videos to think about animals and their features. We have gathered ideas and then used them to create different cause and effect sentences. We have also used a colon in two different ways. We have turned our minds to spelling and grammar, and the words coordinating and subordinating conjunctions.

We have focused on comprehension skills in our book club sessions using The Origins of the Species as our text driver. We have thought about adaptation and the impact these views had on people of that time. We have explored unknown vocabulary and used the text to define new words. We are loving our class story and have enjoyed story time each day.

In RE this week, we ventured down to St Chads. We were met by Reverend Alison who gave us the opportunity to see signs of the Eucharist. We focused on different parts of the Holy Communion service and how the Last Supper fits into it. It was a real treat to walk around our church and enjoy the different parts and items we had perhaps never seen before. Thank you, Revered Alison, for taking time out of your day to support our learning.

We continued with our variable unit this week and became game designers. We chose our sprites, algorithms and our backgrounds ready to code our games next week. We ended our lesson with a couple of games on Blooket.

We continued with our science unit this week and focused on adaptation. We used the marine habitat to think about different features of an underwater creature and then went on to design a new species. This gave the opportunity to discuss dilemmas and key questions to solve them.

We thoroughly enjoyed our penultimate forest schools lesson this week. Those of us who didn't go to Young Voices buddied up with Year 4 and Year 5 to enjoy an afternoon in the sunshine. We thought about the items we would need to survive in the wild and challenged each other over our choices. We then went on to build our own shelters with limited supplies and finished our afternoon off around the fire.

Our Art lesson focused on the meaning behind posters this week. We revisited propaganda posters from WW2 and looked at how the messages are expressed. We considered what we would like to change in the world and what tools our posters should need us to use. We will begin to develop these ideas further next week.

Miss Holland is so impressed with your music skills Year 6 – she is so proud of how far you have come and how you have shown determination each week. You invited Mrs Chesters into class to showcase your talent. You have worked hard on counting rests, playing in unison, following sheet music and having fun. Great work.

We have enjoyed our Kick PE lesson this week and we have visited our daily mile too.

We enjoyed a PSHE lesson on generations that went before us. We thought about how we are living our lives today because of people who have fought, campaigned hard and even died for us. We discussed the term freedom and what it means to us. We think we have rights and we have our own opinions.

Interfaith Week has taken place in school which has got us all thinking about our values. Our focus was on the Seeds of Prejudice. We thought about what people wear and if this is important to us all. Year 6 entered a great discussion. We decided that it is so much more important to know what is on the inside of a person rather than what we look like on the outside. We listened to a story which explored this thought further. We also enjoyed a worship lead by Imran. We interacted in his worship learning all about the five pillars of Islam.

Some of us headed to Manchester on Wednesday to enjoy Young Voices 2024. What a brilliant night we had as we sang our hearts out and shone our torches. Thank you to all staff members who made this possible as I know what a late night it is.

It has definitely been a very busy week and we haven't stopped. Year 6 you always amaze me with the attention you pay to all your lessons and I am very proud of your results.

Have a fabulous weekend.

Your teacher.
Mrs B.

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