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C of E Primary School

Year 5 Weekly News 01.10.21

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I can't believe we have come to the end of another full week of learning. The time certainly does fly.

In English this week, we have come to the end of our journalist Talk4Writing unit. We used everything we have learnt over he past three weeks to write our final piece. It was wonderful to read them. You definitely all channeled your inner news reporters. You also included some great speech punctuation. In our Book Club sessions, we have been continuing with delving into non-fictions texts. In particular, we have been looking at one of our '5 Favourite Books' of this term . . . DK Eye Witness's The Victorians. We have learnt how to find the key information within a paragraph and how to turn this into a summarising sentence. We have also learnt some cool facts about the Victorians too.

In maths this week, we began our second 'Place Value' unit. We are now looking at numbers to 1,000,000. You have been placing numbers on a number line and have been exploring the value of each digit within a number to 1,000,000 too.

Our afternoon lessons began with R.E. Last week, we came up with our initial thoughts as to what we thought the 'Good News' messages were in the Sermon On The Mount. This week, we learnt that the messages are called 'The Beatitudes'. We looked closely at all eight of them and matched them up with a modern-day description. Once we'd completed the matching task, we then re-wrote each of the beatitudes in our own words. We also covered Art on Monday too. As you know, our Art focus this term is William Morris. He said that nature was God's greatest design. In today's lesson we used nature to inspire our observational drawings. Initially, we warmed up by completing some fun drawing activities. Once we'd got comfortable drawing, we took our time to do accurate drawings of flowers.

Our Science lesson this week started with a real treat. Martha brought in a machine from home. It had the power to turn air into a weapon! She was able to knock cups over that were over a metre away! Wow! For our main lesson, we finished off our parachute experiments by analysing our results. To do this, we found the average. We then used our findings to come to a conclusion.

On Thursday, we had an additional PSHE lesson where we were visited by Linda and Lisa. They ran an alcohol awareness workshop for us. During the workshop, we discussed the effects alcohol can have on the body. We discussed how it affects the way the brain sends messages which can cause people to act differently to normal. We shared our ideas about what we would do if one of our friends had drunk alcohol. This raised lots of great ideas and questions.

On Thursday, we were also introduced to our courageous advocacy project. First of all, we had to work out what courageous advocacy is. This is where you fearless promote and stand up for something you believe in. Our project is all about the importance of saving the bees. We spent some time doing some internet research and we learnt that bees really are amazing. Did you know that bees help pollinate around 90% of the entire world's crops? Fascinating!

Finally, we finished our week of with the PTA Colour Run. The sun shone for us all and we all enjoyed running through the balloon arch and around the track. As we ran, we were splattered by paint which caused lots of giggles. Thank you to the PTA for all their hard work.

I hope you're having a great weekend,

Miss P

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