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Year 5 News 08.10.21

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Happy Friday Year 5! We have worked our socks off again this week!

In English, we started our new a Talk4Writing unit. We have moved onto story writing. During this unit, we will be learning how to write a warning story. So far, we have started to learn and explore the text. We have investigated the different openers that are used within in it, and we have recapped our knowledge of fronted adverbials. We have also explored the word choices that have been used and discussed the impact that they have upon the reader.

In Maths, we have been learning about rounding and negative numbers this week. In our rounding lessons, we have been rounding numbers to 1,000,000. In our negative numbers lesson, we have been counting forward and back through zero and then using this knowledge to help us solve word problems.

Our afternoon lessons this week were Art, R.E, Science and History. You also had your weekly music lesson with Miss Holland and your weekly P.E lessons with Mrs Jenkins and Sportscape.

In Art, we began to experiment with print blocks. We made a print block using foam and a print block using lino. These two different materials required two different skill sets. We worked hard to create detailed designs and then experimented by printing with each of them. We compared the finished prints to decide which ones we liked best.

In R.E, we recapped the 8 beatitudes and discussed how we can use them to guide us through our everyday lives. Finally, we picked one and thought of a specific modern day scenario we could use it in. We drew cartoon strips to help explain this.

In Science, we continued our investigation into forces. This time we were looking at mechanisms and levers. We learnt that a seesaw is an example of a lever. We also learnt a new word 'fulcrum'. This is the pivot point that the balance sits upon. Through our investigations, we learnt that the closer the load is to the fulcrum, the less effort is needed to lift the load.

In music, 'Words Can Hurt' was our listen and respond song this week in music. The lyrics stood out, and straight away and we knew this song had a strong story. We discussed how it relates to kindness, happiness and friendship. Words can stay in our hearts, so we need to make sure they are good words, and not words that can make someone feel bad. We were surprised to discover that this style of music is a 20th century orchestral piece of music. This led to a discussion about other styles of music we know and how they have been composed using an orchestra. We then looked at musical styles, and when and where they originated from using our online timeline. Next, we played notes A, C, D and E on our glockenspiels. The tempo was faster this time, so we had to really concentrate to play the rhythm correctly.

In History, we were introduced to primary and secondary sources. We used these sources to find out about the past. We wanted to find out what living conditions were like for Victorian children. First, we took a walk through a rich person's house. We found that children had luxury foods, toys and musical instruments. Next, we looked photos of a poor person's house. This was very different. We concluded that living conditions varied hugely depending on how rich you were.

I am so impressed with how hard you have worked this week, and I hope you all have a wonderful weekend,

Miss P

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