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C of E Primary School

Year 4 News 20.1.23

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We have enjoyed taking our word choices to the next level as we explored new vocabulary in English this week. Using a new model writing piece, we looked at how the author has chosen language to impact the reader. As writers, we practised using fronted adverbials and emotive language. In our Writing lessons, we have 'boxed up' the text to show the structure. We have focused carefully on how our refugee narrative has progressed. We noticed that our text involved many emotive elements. In our subsequent lesson, we focused on the tools that were used within the piece of writing. We focused on our key targets for this piece – using speech, adding repetition for effect, using fronted adverbials and adding coordinating conjunctions.

In Maths, we challenged our skills to complete short multiplication. To do this, we multiplied 2 digits and 3 digits by a 1 digit number. We are using our mental maths skills with confidence. Well done Year 4. We have continued to practise this skills throughout week and the homework set this week will support this. We have then applied this knowledge to complete two and three step word problems.

Our Reading lessons this week have been about reading our favourite books and reading to an adult. We have also been able to use this time to swap books and complete our book reviews.

Our Science lesson on Electricity gave us the opportunity to recap on what a complete circuit needs. We were then introduced to conductors and insulators. We used a variety of objects including a wooden spoon, a plastic toothbrush and a graphite pencil, to predict if they were insulators or conductors. It was interesting to find out that a graphite pencil conducts and insulates electricity depending where you connect the circuit.

In our RE lesson this week, we have considered a key element to our new question: 'Why is Jesus called the saviour?' We focused closely on the meaning of the word 'saviour'. The children thought about stories that they already know about how Jesus has been previously represented as a saviour in the bible.

In My Happy Mind, we began our new unit called Appreciate. Our focus was to introduce new vocabulary linked to gratitude and appreciation. We decided what we are grateful for in three different areas; ourselves, experiences and others.

In our Computing time, we used Google slides to work on our Hans Holbein presentation. We added pictures, new slides and information sentences. It was great to see how we were working together to help one another too.

In our courageous advocacy activities this week, we have been focusing on developing our school community. The children chose how they wanted to make an impact. We decided that our focus was on creating wellbeing goal jars to share with each class, making wellbeing posters to place around our community, making a compliment box and creating a wellbeing bingo board for other children to take home. We started to work together to develop these fantastic ideas and look forward to sharing this with you in our worship next week.

In our first trumpet lesson this week, we were taught about how our instruments work. We were shown each of the different instruments and began to play some notes. It was amazing to see us all have a go with a new instrument for the first time. We can't wait to see what we can achieve in our weeks to come.

In our History lesson this week, we have moved on to learn about the Tudor Monarchs. The children played a game to learn facts about each of the monarchs and were then asked to explain which one we would have preferred to have been – we had some fantastic answers!

Our class reflection tree is now full of leaves! We have taken the time to reflect over the last few weeks and it has been lovely to see you use the reflection area. We are looking forward to you using this tree in a slightly different way next week – watch this space!

We have also spent time this week developing our knowledge of our YoungVoices songs. We are so looking forward to our concert at the end of the month.

Maths.co.uk homework has been set for this week.

Have a wonderful weekend.
Miss Welch and Mrs Pointon

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