This week in year 3 has been another busy one full of learning!
In maths this week, we applied our knowledge of partitioning and focused on multiplying two digit numbers by one digit numbers. You first used part whole models and then extended part whole models and finally we moved to the formal method of column multiplication. It was so great to see how much you had achieved by the end of the week and you increasing your maths fluency with these calculations.
In English this week, we learnt some more of our model text. You are great at the actions now! We used these words, phrases and also those we had learnt in our steps to read lessons to write our first ever "show not tell" about the dark. Your job was to tell the reader it was dark without saying the words. You also needed to show the main character was scared with saying "I felt scared". Your short descriptions were fantastic! We then looked at boxing up our model text and wrote your own plans for your mystery story which we will start to write next week.
In our interfaith lesson, we learnt that there are lots of different faiths as well as Christianity. We learnt a bit about Hinduism, Islam, Judaism and Sikhism. We found that even though they are different faiths, they had a lot in common. We have some shared ideas, like being kind to others, love others, think of others, do not steal and love your God. We thought about the environment as this links to our courageous advocacy learning. All of the different faiths also want to love and protect God's world. We read quotes from the different religions who all want to protect nature, God's world and our place in it. We then made our own paintings showing this and added the quotes from the different faiths.
We started to learn our song "one world" for our class worship next week. Lots of you had started to learn this at home too which was wonderful to see. We read through our class worship and your shared your ideas too. You have taken your words home to practise this weekend.
In history, we thought about what skills the Egyptians would have had. We labelled an Egyptian thinking about what skills they would have needed, using the knowledge we have already learnt this term. We learnt about artefacts too and why they are important to what we know now, all these years later, about the Egyptians.
In computing we continued with our Google site project, taking photos and uploading them to our own websites. They are really starting to come together and it has been lovely to see you working collaboratively in our class.
In our steps to read lesson, we started a new story of Cinderella in the Nile and learnt all about the traditional Egyptian story. We used the skills of skim reading and circling key words to answer this weeks anchor questions.
In our science lesson this week, we have been exploring light and shadows. We have discussed how and why shadows are formed. We found that they happen when an object blocks the light and, as light travels in straight lines and can't bend around the object, a shadow is formed where there is no light. We then tested different materials to see how much light they let through and whether they caused a shadow. We learned that materials that don't let light through are opaque, those that let some light through are translucent and those that let all of the light through are transparent.
In spellings we focused on OULD, specifically could, would and should. These are words that we find tricky. We learned the rhyme 'Oh, You Lucky Duck!' to try and help us remember.
In music we continued making and playing our Sistrums. We also wrote plans to help us play them with the correct timing in our song.
For NSPCC Number day we have completed a maths activity and explored whether we can always reach 0! We drew a big square and put four numbers on the corners. We marked the middle of each line and wrote the difference between the two numbers at each end. Then we drew another square inside, tilted on its side, joining the mid markers. We continued, reducing the number each time, to see if we always reached 0. We had great fun!
We also had a great battle on TT Rockstars, working super hard to try and beat other classes!
It was so lovely to see all of your amazing Number Day costumes. You all looked fantastic!
Have a lovely weekend.
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Jenkins
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street