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C of E Primary School

Year 3 Weekly News 28.6.24

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y3 cricket 2 juney3 cricket 1 juney3 english adverbs 1y3 english adverbs 2y3 geography uk

Telling the time has been the main focus in Maths this week. We have been working hard to use an analogue clock to tell the time to the nearest minute. We have enjoyed counted the intervals by drawing 'petals' around the edge of the clock face.

We also had the opportunity to practise identifying adverbs in sentences. We developed our skills to identify adverbs that express time, place and cause during a playground game. We then spent the week writing our lost narratives. You chose your character, the setting and how your character gets lost. I can't wait to read the rest of your stories!

In our HeartSmart lesson, we discussed what part of our lives have seen us progress, and what part of our lives we have had setbacks. We wrote these down and shared these with our partners. Discussing our progress, especially our proud achievements made us smile. Just like discussing our setbacks made us think about our different experiences. We spoke about how our life choices can enable us to flourish. This links to the bible reference – The Lord himself will lead you and be with you. He will not fail you or abandon you, so do not lose courage or be afraid. Deuteronomy 31:8.

This week, year 3 have continued with their cricket unit. They have learnt that, when fielding, it is sensible for fielders to back each other up so that if someone misses a ball that has been thrown to them, there is another opportunity to field the ball. They worked on some drills to practise those skills – one fielder was to run towards the ball, pick it up 1 handed and return it to the wicketkeeper in 1 fluid movement. They then played cricket in teams of six with two batters, two fielders, a bowler and a wicket keeper so all had an opportunity to play all positions.

In science this week, we started the next part of our plant experiments. In pairs, you decided on what investigation question you wanted to find out and then planned your experiment. We currently have seed pots on the windowsill, in a cupboard (no sunlight) and even in the fridge (no heat!). We observed them throughout the week and recorded our findings.

Our Geography time this week allowed us to sing a song, investigate the UK map, and work hard to understand what a coast is. We listed the coastal areas that we have visited and worked out which ones were within the U.K. We are also beginning to use vocabulary associated with the coast including harbour, dock and promenade.

We completed our well-being session, still thinking about our transition to y4. This week we made a rainbow 'all about me'. You have been proud of your well-being books and are excited to take them home at the end of the year.

All of your wonderful artwork has now returned home. We hope you have had a lovely time sharing them with your families.

Have a lovely weekend,
Miss McCurrie and Mrs Pointon 

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