What a busy week we have had in Year 3 for our first full week together.
In English, we started our new Talk4Writing unit which this time is in the style of a warning story. We started the week with a 'have a go' write and we have started to learn our model text all about a little boy who is told not to go near the colloseum as it's too dangerous...but he doesn't listen! We also compared this to other warning stories we know, like Ted Riding Hood. We have all got new books to take home and brand new wallets. I can't wait to hear you read them next week.
Our maths lessons this week started with a recap of Y2 place value. We played some games matching up numbers in number form, partitioned numbers and numbers represented by base 10 pictures and had to find two friends with the same numbers. You were so enthusiastic and very good at this game! We then represented numbers up to 99 using tens and ones counters. This helped refresh our brains ready for our Y3 work. We then started the place value unit in our power maths books using lots of maths resources, especially base 10, to help us with our understanding.
Then it was time to find out more about the Romans! We thought about what we wanted to find out about the Romans this term and we wrote these down as questions. We learnt more about a Roman soldiers uniform, dressing up and labelling each part of the uniform and learning why they had each part. It was lots of fun dressing up! We then put the Romans onto a huge timeline, placing them alongside other events from history, like the stone age, the dinosaurs, Jesus' birth, world war 1 and the moon landing. You were fascinated to find out the Romans were around at the same time as Jesus and you asked some great questions.
This week we had our first forest school session too and we loved it! Children were introduced to animal bones, skulls and sheepskins and how the Romans would use them. Eg- bones as swords , skull teeth for cutting and skins for clothing. Then they made a Roman fort using logs, branches and sticks. The children acted out Roman soldiers protecting their fort . We had an emperor and a guard who were in charge too! Then we learnt how to make a fire. We all had a go at getting a fire started using cotton wool, Vaseline and a fire steel. We finished off by roasting a marshmallow on a stick over the fire. What a fantastic morning!
Your sportscape session this week with Hayley was full of hockey! You learnt some control skills, moving the ball around cones and then hitting the ball to your partner. Our sports stars for this week were Oscar and Cameron who showed great sportsmanship and listening skills. Well done! You also played netball with Mrs Jenkins – see the sports website news for more information!
We have enjoyed a class story this week called The Roman Beanfeast about a child who is learning about the Romans at school. You have listened well and we have laughed along with the story so far! I have also had so many book reviews pinging to my email! You are all fantastic and it is great to see so many of you enjoying the reading challenge books. Well done Y3 readers!
This week in music we looked at notation. We took a first look at our new song 'home is where the heart is'. Have a look at the picture to see what we have been learning!
During our RE lesson this week, we explored the story of the Pharisee and the Tax Collector. You role played the characters and we discussed 'humility' and being 'humble'.
In our heartsmart PSHE lesson, we learnt about the ways to show love to ourselves and others. We met Boris the robot again and he asked us to suggest ways we can love ourselves? Can we also suggest ways to love others? We also looked at the 'power on' button and discussed how it is made from an 'I', which means us and a O which means others.
In computing this week we had our online safety lesson focusing on device free time. We all agreed that we like using devices and what we can learn and have fun on them, but we also thought of times when it would be good and helpful to have device free time. You made posters to show these too.
And after all that learning, it's the weekend! I hope you have a restful weekend and I'm looking forward to seeing you all again on Monday.
Miss McCurrie
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