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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news 24.9.21

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What have we been up to this week Year 3? We have covered so much! In our English lessons, we continued to learn our Lost in the Colosseum story including the actions for the next part of the story. We realised that to show the two main characters having a conversation with each other, we would need speech marks so we looked at how these work and some examples of conversations and where to include the speech marks. We also looked at lots of different words for 'said' to make our writing more interesting to the reader.

In maths we continued with our place value unit this time looking at 'estimating' which we found out meant making a maths guess, using the facts you already know. We also recapped on the maths signs less than < greater than > and equals and applied these to our new learning. We continued to use base ten equipment to help us and also used place value grids and counters.

In RE, we asked What message do stories in the Bible have for Christians today? We answered these questions as a class today and then wrote our own ideas. We discovered that God doesn't like 'showing off' and wants us to be humble. We also thought that the message from the story where Jesus calms the storm is that we need to remember that Jesus is always with us even though we can't see him.

Your music lesson this week with Mrs Swan you learnt about time signatures. You conducted in 4/4 time and then played our glockenspiels. We found today's lesson challenging but enjoyable!

I was blown away by your geography homework this week. We have added some of them to our display and will continue to do so next week. You found out about lots of different European countries and then as a class, we loved hearing all about your facts you had written about, photos and drawings. A huge well done year 3!

This week we started our science unit of work all about rocks and soils. We learnt that people who study rocks and fossils are called archaeologists and they are really important to us knowing all we do about the Romans. In our lessons, we explored lots of different rocks and thought about their texture, appearance and colour. We then drew our rocks and used scientific words, such as rough, smooth, crumbly and hard to describe them.

In our spellings lessons this week, we focused on adding -ed to verbs to make them past tense. We found out that as well as making the -ed sound, it can also make t, id and d. We needed to remember it is always spelt -ed in our work.

Art this week saw us working hard to recreate our previously sketched repeated patterns. We recreated these by using our Wybunbury Delves badge colours of red, blue, green and yellow. Our badge outline saw us place our mosaic tiles in the correct position to show our patterns. One thing we had to remember was to leave a small gap around each mosaic tile to represent mortar, just like the Romans did. Great effort Y3 artists!

This week's sportscape session saw you playing hockey and developing your skills within this sport. Hayley said there was definite improvement from last week!

This week in our forest school session, you independently put the tents up in your groups as you had learnt how to do this last week. Mr Hadfield was so impressed! You then started your archery, learning how to hold the bow and aim at the target. You listened really well and improved after each go!

We enjoyed our computing lesson a lot this week as we started our new unit all about stop animation. We watched a short clip of 'Wallace and Gromit' and learnt all about how the programme is made using lots of photographs which are put together to make a video. We then wanted to try your own! For our first task we opened the app 'Stop Motion' and made our own short videos of our names. We took a photo of each letter and it looked like it had been magically written. It was great to see everyone succeed and enjoy the task! We then learnt how to save our work and open it again to share with others.

In our book club lessons this week we focused on features of non fiction texts and used the book "Rocks and Minerals" to spot these features and also learn lots about different rocks and minerals. We found out the name for people who collect rocks is called a 'rockhounder'. We also learnt the meaning of the words unique and valuable.

Another great week Y3!
Miss McCurrie

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