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C of E Primary School

Year 3 news 15.10.22

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We loved sharing our courageous advocacy work from this half term with you all in our first class worship! Thank you to all of you who could join us. I'm sure you'll agree the children spoke very clearly and were passionate about the message of reducing plastic use and the impact this has on our oceans and sea creatures. Well done Y3, I am so proud of you all getting up in front of a live audience and sharing our story. A very proud teacher moment for me!

In English this week, we finished our Duffy's Lucky Escape stories and published these into neat. We even used our handwriting pens to make these extra neat and watercoloured the background ready for study work.

In maths, we started our new unit all about addition and subtraction. We used our familiar resources e.g. hundreds, tens and ones grids, base ten and counters and applied these to addition and subtraction. We recapped the vocab for this unit, specifically addition, subtraction, exchange and learnt some new maths words, this time 'mental method' and 'written method'. We also recapped odds and evens when looking at two and three digit numbers, remembering that it is always the 'ones' number that determines if a number is odd or even.

During Music this week, we listened to some pieces of music and talked about Dynamics: the volume of the music. We practised singing using the different symbols and looked at some simple notation.

What is God Like? In our RE lesson today we looked at what God is like. Looking at different pieces of poetry, and making some of our own. We also thought about what God wants us to be like by looking again at the story of The Good Samaritan. The children came up with some fantastic ideas..... " if God was chocolate he would be Galaxy chocolate because he made the galaxy and everything in it," Well done Year 3 HÛÛYHܙX\ØÝ\ÜÚۋŽŽ""ŽŽŽ""Ž'ˆÝ\ˆ\\ÜÛۜËÝ\ˆ˜XÚÙܛݙÈ\™HÛÛZ™ÈۙÈšXÙKˆÙHYÈ™XHšÈX›ÝÝ\ˆÜØZXÈ\È™ÝÈ^HÚÝÛÚÈÚˆ^H›ÚˆÛÜÙHÈHÝ™HوH›ÛXˆ\\›Ü‹ˆÛÛYHو\ÈݙYۈÈXڙÈÝ\ˆ\È۝ÈH›ÛXˆ\\›Ü‰ÜÈZ\ˆ™XYܙX ˆÙH\™HÛܚڙÈ™XH\™ÈܙXHH™\ÝYXÙHو\ÙH؋ŽŽ""ŽŽŽ""Ž•ÙHÛÈÛ۝YYÚÝ\ˆÛÝ\˜YÙÝ\ÈY›ØØXÞHÛܚÈ\ÈÙYZËšÚ™ÈÈÝ\ˆ\ÚÚˈÙHX\›X›ÝÚ™\Ú\Ý™\YY\ÈÈÝ\ˆ\H˜Ú™ÈÚÚˈÙHˆ\ÙYÚ\ÝÈÈYÚYÚHZ™Ø\ˆÛÛÝ\œÈ\ڙÈÝÈوÛۙ\™XÝ\™\ÈوÙXH\\ÈÈœÜ\™H\ˈIÛHÝ\™HÝIÛYܙYH^H\™H™\žH\™\ÜڙHHŽ""ŽŽŽ""Ž\ÈØ\ȝYÈ™ÛÚÛÙYZÈXܛÜÜÈØÚÛÛ ÙHÛÚÈ\ˆÝ\ˆ\ÜÛۜÈX›ÝX\›š™ÈX›ÝH™Ù\œÈ™Y™™XÝÈوÛÚڙˈÙHX\›X›ÝÝÈÛÚڙÈY™™XÝÈH›ÙH™ÝYÚX›Ý™X\ÛۜÈÜHZYÚÛÚÙKˆÙHYHÛÚÈH ۛÈÛÚڙÉÈÚYۈ™ÝÈوÝHYÙYˆ\ȈXÙ\ÈÝH™Hš\ÚY ˆÝH\ÚÙYÛÛYH˜\ÝXÈY\ÝۜÈ™Ù\™H™\žHܛÝۈ\ˆšÚ™ÈX›ÝÝ\ˆ™\ÜۜÙ\ˈŽ""ŽŽŽ""Ž'HÜHÝH\™Hš™ÈHݙHÙYZٙ ˆŽ""Ž"Z\ÜÈXÐÝ\œšY

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