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C of E Primary School

Y6 Weekly News 22.10.21

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And half term is upon us! Where does the time go? Year 6 you have been an absolute joy to be with. You have worked hard and applied all your energy to my tasks and what fantastic results you have achieved.

This week in Maths we focused on common multiples, recognising prime numbers and calculating squared and cubed numbers. We have used our knowledge to find the highest and lowest common factors and multiples and used these facts to discuss reasoning problems. We have also worked with prime numbers and thought about identifying them using divisibility. We know that a prime number only has 2 factors, and we will continue with this unit next term as we move onto orders of operations and understanding the use of brackets. We have used our starter work in maths to apply our knowledge to tackle an arithmetic paper today. We have worked through the questions to check our strategies.

In English this week we have completed our shared write and used this time to focus on punctuating speech, semi colons and sentences of three. We have edited our work and planned our hot write which we completed today. What amazing stories I am looking forward to reading. We have also completed our suffix spelling tasks and we are using these in our writing. I am so proud of all your hard work and determination.

Book Club this week has been a week of two halves. Some comprehension activities have taken place where we have focused on the features of non-fiction texts along with some reads with an adult. We have enjoyed our class story too. Our main characters have now moved to the lighthouse where adventures are already happening. We have also changed our reading books today if needed, ready to enjoy over half term.

This week we have been introduced to the term Courageous Advocacy. We have explored these words and thought about how they could fit into a charity Year 6 could support. The Blue Cross charity was a definite fit for Year 6 as this charity worked hard for the welfare of animals during WW2. We read different accounts of different animals and how they were heroes during times of war. We then organised our Y6 Class Worship to share with you. Thank you for coming and supporting our message and we hope you enjoyed our service. Year 6 you are simply amazing.

In our Art lesson this week we focused on strengthening our shoe sculptures with papier mache. Resilience and patience were two qualities we needed to ensure our shoe cast remained the same shape. They are now dry and ready for our next stage. We will continue to work on them after half term.

Our Computing lesson this week was a reminder on e-safety. We clicked onto Interland, a favourite of Year 6, and worked our way around the islands by answering different safety questions.

In Year 6, we celebrated Black History Month by being introduced to Jesse Owens. Jesse Owens was from Alabama and was one of 10 siblings. He rose to fame as an impressive athlete but was judged because of his colour. Jesse Owens went on to challenge racism on the world stage at the 1936 Berlin Olympics and made new records to the annoyance of Adolf Hitler. This story inspired us to create our own artwork to celebrate his achievements.

We have taken part in PE and PHSE with Sportscape and Mrs Pointon this week. Please note that our PE days will change to Wednesday and Friday next half term.

We have shared another celebration Year 6 worship with the rest of school this week. This time our ambassadors made their announcements thanking our Reception class for running the foodbank appeal. What a huge contribution Wybunbury Delves has made. Great work Reception.

We enjoyed sharing our well-being time with not only our lovely Reception children, but we also had the joy of meeting their parents. It was lovely meeting you all and I know my Year 6 children felt very special. Have a lovely half term Reception

I have chatted to my children today to let them know that there will be no formal homework set for Year 6 over half term. However, I would like anyone that has outstanding tasks to complete them please. I would like to thank you all for supporting your children during this term in completing all weekly homework. I have not set new homework as I think a well-earned break is deserved. Well done Year 6. I am very proud of you.

A message from your school to you:
Year 5 and 6, your school needs you! Do you want to be part of history? Do you want to help our school commemorate our 200 year anniversary? Well this is the opportunity you've been waiting for. During the half term, we are inviting you to put your excellent English skills to good use by writing a persuasive letter. Why? School wants to buy an amphitheatre to mark our special birthday. It will be built outside for everyone to enjoy. Therefore, the aim of the letter is to persuade the local businesses to donate money to help us buy it. To help you write your letter, some fascinating facts about our school's history have been included in a Seesaw post. A 'Box Up' of a persuasive letter has also been included to help you with your writing. Remember to do you neatest work because we are trying to impress and of course convince the businesses to part with their money. If you choose to take part in this activity please keep your letter safe and bring it with you when you come back after half term! You don't need to upload your finished letters onto Seesaw.

Year 6, what a super term we have all had. You have settled into Year 6 and have worked extremely hard. What a team we are. Have a wonderful half term, stay safe and enjoy your family time.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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