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C of E Primary School

Y6 Weekly News – 10.9.21

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A super busy week in Y6.

We have settled into our first full week in Y6 and covered many subjects from Science and History to Big Art and PE, to Music, Computing and much more. You have all been super stars and you should all be proud of yourselves.

We began our second week in Maths investigating place value. We have counted in millions using different representations and considered where numbers appeared on our number lines. We will continue next week with place value by comparing and rounding large numbers. We also worked together as a team to discuss the contents of an arithmetic paper. We chatted about areas we felt strong on and those we wanted to improve on.

This week in Book Club we have all had a chance to read with an adult and to ensure we have the correct Big Cat reading books. We have read a little more of our class story and we have even used it in our English lessons. We will move onto our focused comprehension activities next week as we begin a new Steps to Read text. Please could you ensure your children have an opportunity to share their Big Cat books with you on a regular basis. Today, I have popped an overview of our reading at Wybunbury Delves into reading packs and this document can be of help when asking your child questions about their read.

In English this week we have been introduced to Anne Frank and her diary. We have used a fact file and a newspaper article to understand more about Anne Frank and her family. We have begun to learn my new model using pictures and actions. It is based on a day from Anne Frank's diary. We will use this as a stimulus to write our own diaries over the next few weeks. We have played memory games and challenged each other to round robin battles. We will continue with our diary write next week.

Our SpaG focus has been contractions this week. We have used a page from our class story to find all contraction examples and created our own missing letters poster. We have also used contractions in a short retelling of the film clip The Present.

Our spelling focus this week has begun with suffixes. We have looked at different word endings and considered if they change the root of each word. We will continue with our learning next week.

We began our new unit in History this week by thinking about the word -chronology. We discussed this term and ordered units of time to get us going. We then used different periods in history to order and match pictures to dates. We added some of our own events to our timelines too. Next week we will move our learning onto the chronology of World War 11 and find out why this war began.

Our first Computing lesson this week focused on conditions and conditionals. We began with a recap of coding terminology and then discussed our new focus words. Using Alex and Steve from Minecraft, we set off solving coding algorithms. We worked in pairs driving and navigating our way through problems.

In Science we began our new unit on light. We completed a quick assessment of previous knowledge and talked about some common misconceptions too. We then went on to investigate darkness and thought about how we see light. We also considered the question, are all light sources hot? We enjoyed several different experiments to answer this question. We also experimented with mirrors and torches and even tried to send a laser beam to different mirrors. At the end of our investigation, we considered the question: does light travel in straight lines or can it curve? We will continue to investigate this question next week as we take part in other experiments.

We completed our Blitz tunnel books today and what a magnificent display they are going to make. I am stunned by the results and I'm sure you agree from the photos they are AMAZING1. The impact our display will provide to our classroom will be very impressive. I will begin to display them next week and post another picture for you to enjoy.

PE with Sportscape this week has focused on basketball skills and PE with Mrs Jenkins can be found detailed on a separate post.

In Music with Miss Holland this week there was a question to consider. How does music bring us together? Finding the beat and clapping rhythms was our first task. We then moved on to our listen and respond section. This involved us thinking about whether our new song told a story. We discovered a steady tempo and that the music style was soul. After listening to the lyrics, we decided the importance of friendship shone through this song, along with powerful messages of love, family and some political ones too. We practised singing this song and we even threw in some dance moves too. Finally we learnt two more notes and rests – quaver, quaver rest, semi quaver and semi quaver rest.

This week we have enjoyed two PE lessons. Sportscape introduced us to basketball and some of the skills needed to play this game. Mrs Jenkins will post a separate write up of her Y6 lesson.
We provided a Y6 Friday worship and shared this virtually with the rest of school. Our message was one about friendship.

I have chatted to my Y6 children today about homework. Details are listed on my newsletter. I have set new homework which is to be found on the spag.com website. All login details remain the same. Regular reading and visits to TT Rock Stars are also required.

Football trials have taken place this week. I would like to wish all my Y6 children the best of luck in making the team. I have everything crossed for you.

What a week you have had. Have a wonderful weekend Y6, you have been busy bees and I am very proud of you.

Your Teacher
Mrs B.

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