We have covered so many areas in our learning this week and I am proud of each and every one of you. Y6 you are flying. Each day you work your way through our morning maths starters and mark them all before 9am Truly amazing!
This week in Maths we have continued to master different methods of division. We have used short division, factors, and the chunking method to divide four-digit numbers by two digits. We have persevered and persevered and we are now getting there. We will continue with this area next week. We have also completed a times tables test today and an arithmetic paper. We looked through our paper from last week to think about any areas of mistakes we could avoid making this week.
In English this week we have begun a new Talk for Writing unit. We began by completing a cold write based on a warning story. We have now learnt the first four paragraphs of my model warning story and added actions to emphasis different parts. We have investigated vocabulary and thought about word definition. We have also completed a short burst write using description and we have learnt how to use semi colons to mark boundaries of sentences with a similar idea. We will continue with this area next week. Brilliant work Y6.
In our Spellings lessons this week we have focused on adding a vowel suffix to a word with a vowel ending. We have thought about the rhyme, swap, double, or drop to spell different words. We will complete these lessons next week.
During our book club this week we have all read with an adult and changed our books if needed.
In our History lesson this week we considered the question – How did the population of Britain survive during WW2? We began by considering the events of a 1938 to 1954 timeline. We looked carefully at the events and decided if they changed the lives of the British public. Did Hitler coming to power change the lives of the British public? This was a point discussed greatly. I always enjoy listening to your views Y6.
In Computing this week, we began with an unplugged session focusing on a scrambled message interrupted by the code cracking team (us). We worked together deciphering coded messages and finally cracked it just in time to help the Allies. We will continue with this code cracking unit next week.
During our Science lesson this week, we continued to make our periscopes. Resilience and perseverance were qualities needed for this lesson and a little bit of problem solving too. We then took our periscopes outside to use and have fun. We split into groups and arranged targets to aim at and used ammunition (beanbags) to attack!! We even managed to spy on Y5 and Miss Pennance. Next week, we will think about how light helped us to see the target.
In RE this week, we collected different ideas to use when completing our assessment. We thought about the Bible verses we have used and the descriptions we have made to answer our big question. We will complete our assessment next week and share this with you. I can't wait to see your collage work Y6.
We began our third Art sculpture lesson today by considering this sentence – walking in the shoes of someone from WW2. We collected our shoes ready to think about our sculptures. We looked at different artists using shoe sculptures and then began to create our own. Using masking tape and a lot of patience, we began to make a cast of our shoes. We gave each other lots of support and reminded ourselves how to be successful when using the tape. We will continue with this project next week. Well done Y6.
This week in Music saw us playing – chord F and E minor on the ukulele. We recapped chord F and then learnt E minor. Using a 4/4 time signature, we played these chords on counts 1 of 4. The trickiest thing we found, was moving our fingers to the correct strings and frets whilst alternating between these two chords. We worked hard, and know that with practise, we will get better. Well done team!
PE has taken place this week with both Sportscape and Mrs Jenkins.
We spent our Wellbeing time today meeting with our Reception buddies and had the best time. We love sharing different outside activities with them. We also enjoyed watching Reception in their Harvest video and they encouraged us to bring in food for the foodbanks. The KS1 Harvest was also great to watch, and we joined in with all their songs and prayers. In Y6, we think they are all brilliant.
New homework has been set. This includes: Spag.com online, TT Rock Stars and regular reading aloud. Thank you for supporting your children to complete these tasks.
You have all been so busy this week and you definitely need your weekend break. I hope you have a fabulous weekend.
Your teacher,
Mrs B.
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street