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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week 15.10.21

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Y6, you impress me every day and this week you have worked so hard. You have achieved so many things and I am very proud of you.

This week in Maths we have completed our unit on multiplication and division. We completed this unit with long division and used the pull-down method as the final way of calculating. We have assessed our knowledge and discussed which methods we prefer. We have now begun a new unit on factors, multiples, squared and cubed numbers. We have also completed an arithmetic paper and discussed the areas we would now like in our early morning starters.

In English this week we have moved on to our innovation stage of Talk 4 Writing. This stage has allowed us to use my model and text map to then write a shared piece of writing as a class. We have completed our first two paragraphs of our warning story and will continue with this piece next week. We have also recapped the correct way of punctuating speech by using known fairy tales.

During Book Club this week, we have used a non-fiction book on WW2 to investigate the different ways the author presents facts. We have used different features to learn about the way countries prepared for WW2. Our anchor questions have been discussed and answered in full along with discussing new vocabulary.

Our Spelling lessons this week have continued to focus on adding suffixes to words. We have tested each other whilst playing different games and thought about the rules to follow.

In History this week we have thought about this question – Do you think people were healthier during WW2 compared to modern day? We looked carefully at rationing propaganda posters and discussed them with our partners. We considered what we could see and what the message behind each poster could be. We also wondered if people had taken any notice of them and if the posters encouraged the population to do their bit towards helping during WW2? We investigated these questions using our iPads by visiting a BBC Bitesize site. We even found out that ice-creams were replaced with frozen carrots!

We completed our RE assessment this week by answering our big question – Why is Jesus 'Light of the World' good news for Christians? We used images of light to create our collage and then prepared a written response to our question.

Our PE lessons have been in two halves this week. PE is always a huge hit with Y6, and I know you are enjoying your learning.

Our shoe sculptures are coming along nicely. Most of us have now created our casts using masking tape and we are ready for our next stage. Superb teamwork was seen in class as experts supported and helped others. We will continue with this next week.

We have taken part in our drugs awareness week by completing three different lessons. We began by thinking about which were the most common drugs in our country. We then focused on the illegal drug Cannabis before moving on to learning about Volatile Substance Abuse. Our week ended with a drugs workshop led by Lisa from Change, Grow, Live, Cheshire East. We had the opportunity to see different drugs (fake of course) – both legal and illegal and used these resources to ask questions. We ended by reflecting on my question – Do you think all primary schools should have a drug awareness week? It was unanimous – yes they should.

During our Wellbeing session this week, we enjoyed playing with our buddies. From playing on Fort Lewis to swinging on the trim trail, having fun was everywhere. This is a special time and one I love to watch. Thank you Y6. You are great role models.

Homework has been set. We are realising in class just how important times tables knowledge is. Please could you support your child by encouraging them to practice as often as possible. TT Rock Stars is a great way to increase speed and recall.

We are looking forward to sharing our class worship with you on Friday and hope you can join us.

I hope you are all having a brilliant weekend. See you all tomorrow.
Your teacher,
Mrs. B.

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