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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week 5.11.21

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Welcome back to you all. You have settled straight back into your learning and completed a busy week. Well done Year 6.

We began our week by tackling our morning arithmetic calculations. We have also worked with orders of operations, brackets, and mental strategies to efficiently calculate answers quickly and accurately. New homework has been set. I have set our last Place Value recap as this will lead us nicely into our next unit which is on fractions. Times tables knowledge is essential as we move onto our fractions unit and this needs to be on the tip of your tongues. Remember five minutes practise on TT Rock Stars each night will support your learning.

In English this week, we have completed our Talk for Writing warning story and edited our errors carefully. We have now moved onto a Talk for Writing persuasive piece. We have completed our cold write by persuading me to buy a new toy. We have also begun to learn my model text, which is a spy gadget, and focused on key vocabulary. Using dictionaries and an online thesaurus site we found synonyms for persuasive terms. We have used different persuasive adverts to identify persuasive features and we have become Estate Agents as we tried to sell a run-down property.

In Spellings this week we have concentrated on Y6 misconception words. We have used these words in context to understand their meaning.

Book Club this week has been a mixture of reading Big Cat books with an adult and a Steps to Read lesson. We thought about our anchor question – How did WW2 affect children? We used our chorus reading to identify key vocabulary and discussed their meaning. We were drawn to the picture of a Mickey Mouse gas mask and found other images interesting.

We have also taken part in a History lesson this week. We recapped our learning from last week by listing the foods that were rationed during WW2. We then engaged in a super class discussion thinking about the answers to different questions. DO you think people were healthier during WW2? Do you think food was more flavoursome and there was more choice during WW2? The question that threw us the most in Y6 was do you think there were takeaways available during WW2. We answered no to this question. Then found out that the national dish of fish and chips was available, but only at the weekends. We used our knowledge to create a ration wheel which we will complete next week.

We have managed to squeeze two Geography lessons in this week. We began our new unit with a quick recap of continents and oceans. We then located Axis and Allied countries using our atlases. We found their capital cities and populations and considered which hemisphere they were in. In our second lesson, we learnt about Operation Pied Piper. We joined the Anderson Committee who were responsible for the movement of people in Britain during WW2. We began by using our atlas skills to locate the cities and counties that were used during WW2 by evacuees. We labelled a map of the UK and we will discuss our findings in our next lesson. Super job Y6.

Cricket has been our focus in PE this week. You love your cricket Y6 and I know how much you enjoyed this session.

On Friday we finished our week with a Wellbeing Day. We completed crosswords, word challenges, mindful colouring, iPad activities and time with our Reception buddies. A muddy field meant our fun was moved to the hall this week. We read stories to our buddies and enjoyed being role models. We put the finishing touches to our Art sculptures and what fantastic sculptures they are. I'm sure you will agree from the photos I have uploaded how brilliant they all are. Walking in the shoes of someone from WW2 took on different meanings in Y6 and I LOVE THEM ALL.

We have enjoyed different show and tells this week. Hannah shared her trip to Winston Churchill's rooms and Tom and Erin shared their artefacts from family members. We even had a war helmet as worn by Tom in our photos. Izzie and Bryn shared their artistic talents which wowed us all.

What a busy week we have had. You are all amazing and I have thoroughly enjoyed our week together. Our have been called up for jury service next week, however I have planned all lessons and passed over the information to Mrs Whittingham, Mrs Pointon, Mrs Chesters, Mrs Jenkins and Miss Holland. I know you will have a fabulous week and I know how hard you will all work. Be amazing Y6.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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