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C of E Primary School

Y6 News of the Week 1.10.21

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A very busy week in Year 6.

In Maths this week we have completed our short and long multiplication tasks and begun to work with division. We have discovered that resilience is definitely a word that we have needed as this concept has challenged us all. We have used many different strategies and know that our times tables need to be on the tip of our tongues to support our learning. We will continue with this unit next week. We have also completed our first arithmetic paper and reminded ourselves of all the top tips we have discussed over the last few weeks. Well done Y6.

In English we have completed our independent writes using the first night of the Blitz. We focused on contractions, the first person and carefully chosen word classes to develop emotion. We edited our pieces to improve them, and we are now publishing them for our class display and our final Wybunbury Delves studywork books. You have produced some fantastic pieces Y6.

In our Spelling sessions this week we have completed our focus on verb suffixes and we have also used Y6 misconception words in our writing. We have used our "must have spelling wall" to support our choices and these have helped when editing our writing.

During Book Club this week we have discovered more about Anne Frank. We have used different diary entries to understand Anne further. We have thought about her feelings by selecting specific words within her writing. We have worked together to answer our anchor questions and have come up with some brilliant explanations. Mrs Chesters has popped into class to listen to my children talk about our Book Club sessions and she was very impressed.

In History this week we looked at what makes primary and secondary sources. We listened to a radio broadcast of an air attack and thought about which type of source this would be. We were then introduced to 1st Lieutenant Arthur Brown of the U.S.A.A.F. and his link to our hometown of Nantwich. We researched articles about his tragic death and found out that his plane – a Thunderbolt – crashed on January 14th, 1944, near to the River Weaver. We used our computing time to visit different websites and collated our findings. Many of us have realised that we have already seen the headstone that is still in place. Bryn visited the site after chatting to his parents and we have looked at the photo he took. We also continue to share show and tell which is a lovely treat for us all.

In RE this week, we have continued to think about our big question – Why is Jesus 'Light of the World' good news for Christians? We began by watching a video which shared images of Jesus in different ways. We used this video to jot down words that came into our minds from them. We came together as a class to discuss our findings. Using this information, we then used five different verses from the Bible to think about how Christians see Jesus. We rotated around our tables adding our interpretations to each verse. I was so impressed with your suggestions Y6.

Our Art unit continued as we created sculptures, again inspired by Alberto Giacometti. We use different media this week: pipe cleaners, felt, wool, buttons, tin foil and tissue paper. Our chosen figures were accessorised with different items. We had great fun creating different sculptures from superheroes to brides to be. We will continue with our unit next week.

PE and PHSE has taken place this week with Sportscape, Mrs Jenkins and Miss Holland.
In our HeartSmart (PSHE) lesson this week, we discussed ways in which we can keep our hearts soft, but strong. We likened this to a pair of trainers. Just like trainers need to be soft enough to be comfortable; but durable enough to last and stay strong – so do our hearts. From this, we began to design our own pair of trainers with our own unique pattern and logo. We also decided to give our pair of trainers a brand name!

In our second PSHE lesson we welcomed visitors into Y6 this week. Linda and Lisa from Change, Grow, Live, Cheshire East – a drug and alcohol service – ran an alcohol workshop. We began with Y6 giving a great recap of their Y5 learning with Mrs Poynton. Discussions took place about drink and what the accurate definition of alcohol is. We also thought about different questions. When is consuming alcohol not a good thing? When do you think alcohol is a good thing? What could happen if you consume too much alcohol? How does alcohol travel around your body? Effects from alcohol were also discussed: behaving in a silly way, having a headache, drinking more to forget about how feelings, doing dangerous things, being sick, shouting, accidents and being wobbly on your feet, walking into the road and being hit by a car, being arrested if you were behaving badly, or being taken to the police station to sober up. Y6 discussed the word a hangover. Great questions were asked by Y6 – Erin asked if someone with a disability would react differently to alcohol. We then split into four groups to discuss different scenarios. Great discussion Y6. We have received an email from our visitors expressing their thanks and saying how brilliant Y6 were. I know how brilliant you are too.

New homework has been set. This includes: Maths.co.uk, TT Rock Stars and regular reading aloud please. Could I also please ask you to encourage your child to complete their homework from last week if it is still outstanding. The online tasks I set always support class learning and allow for consolidation. The data enables me to see who needs further support which I can then put into place.

We have supported different worships this week. Our Ambassadors have lead each worship in prayers and our Digital Leaders have helped to Zoom our worship to other classes. We have also welcomed Rev. Alison into Y6 and Zoomed her worship to our school too.

We have spent time with our buddies this week as we rotated to a new fun activity. This week we also used our forest school's area to enjoy each other's company. We have learnt a new Reception lining up song too! Thank you Reception as spending time with you is the highlight of our week!

We did have one final highlight to enjoy this week as we took part in the colour run. This was an amazing sight to see, and we must thank the PTA and volunteers for organising this for us. You definitely provided us with an ending to our week that we have never experienced before and what a great way to raise money towards Lewis' trust and school too. This experience gave great opportunities for brilliant photos too. Thank you.

Well, how do we fit it all in Y6? This is a good question and I'm sure as you read our weekly website updates you must think this too. Y6 you are simply amazing.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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