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C of E Primary School

Y6 Leavers Go Out With A Bang!

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What a wonderful two days we have had together Y6. Making memories and spending time enjoying each other's company.

Our Classtonbury Festival was a great success and even in the hot weather we managed to complete many different activities together. From making mock tails to tie dyeing T-shirts, from a takeaway to a visit from the ice cream van we had a ball. We were photographed at the photo booth, we painted our faces and designed balloons. Many photos have been taken and I will upload them for you all to enjoy.

Today we have had a more chilled out day. We began our day with the traditional signing of T-shirts. I had a tear in my eye as everyone moved around the classroom to collect their signatures. We then went outside to enjoy a rounders match against Y5. Thank you Y5, you were great competitors and we loved your company. We then returned to class for some free time and free choice. Board games, garden games, iPad time and a film were just a few of our activities. We received treats throughout the day from bags of sweets (thank you Mrs Whittingham) to Malteser cakes (thank you Clare) and we finished off with ice lollies. Tears have come and gone throughout the day and we have all been on an emotional rollercoaster that's for sure. What a fab day.

We ended our day sharing our last moments at Wybunbury Delves Primary School as Y6. Our presentation was a joy to be a part of. Thank you for joining us. I have had success uploading our Y6 virtual Leavers Service. As this iMovie is a long one, we were definitely technically challenged. I have emailed a link out so this can be shared. Please download the video (which may take a little while) and I hope you love it as much as I do.

My final website update to you is an emotional one. I would just like to say a huge thank you for all your support during the year. I appreciate your many cards, gifts and well wishes. I am a very blessed teacher. I hope you have had a fabulous party and you have a wonderful summer. You are stars Y6 and I know you will be great additions to your high schools. Remember, you are amazing just the way you are. I will miss you all.

Your teacher,
Mrs B.

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