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Y5 Weekly News 24.09.21

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It's time for another Y5 news as we have come to the end of our third full week together.

In English, we continued our Talk4Writing unit on journalistic writing. This week, our focus was using the tips and tricks we learnt to complete our shared write. You worked hard to use our toolkit features, and you kept reading your work back (in a reporter voice) to check that it had the right journalist feel.

Numbers to 100,000 continued to be our focus in maths this week. We continued to read them, write them, partition them and round them. We also recapped our knowledge of roman numerals and learnt how to write roman numerals up to 1000. Next week, we will be moving onto our second 'Place Value' unit which is all about numbers to 1,000,000.

For our afternoon, we have been doing a range of activities. On Monday, we continued our Art and R.E units. In Art, we took a closer look at the work of William Morris by using a view finder. Once we found a spot we liked, we recreated it using pencils in our art books. For R.E, we continued with our unit on 'Good News' as we learnt about the Sermon on The Mount. We unpicked the story and tried hard to find the seven key messages within it. You did a great job and come up with some wonderful ideas.

On Tuesday, our focus was Science. We learnt more about gravity and how it acts upon falling objects. We learnt that there is a counter force called air resistance that can slow a falling object down. To investigate this further, we planned a parachute experiment. We developed an enquiry question and made a prediction as to what we thought would happen. Then we discussed which variables needed to stay the same and which one needed to change. On Wednesday, you made your parachutes. The designs, details and discussions that were taking place while you were making them were impressive. It was so interesting to watch you work through problems and thoughtfully explain your ideas with each other. Once they were built, we went out to Fort Lewis and dropped our parachutes off the top. We will be analysing the results next week to see which was the best and why.

On Wednesday, we investigated artefacts in history. We looked at different Victorian items and made a prediction as to what we thought they were. We then delved into the information books to find out more details and there were some fun revelations. An item that we thought was a pizza pan turned out to be a bed warmer. Music and P.E were some of the other lessons we enjoyed on Wednesday. In music this week, you began to play our glockenspiels to the song 'Ghost Parade.' We recapped our previously learnt notes and looked at new ones. We spoke about flat and sharp notes and the symbols to represent these notes. Next, you were given an improvisation task to accompany the background music of our song. We had 2 choose either 2, 3 or 5 notes to create different rhythms. To finish our lesson, we sang the Ghost Parade, and we thoroughly enjoyed it! Check out Mrs Jenkin's P.E post for details of what we got up to in P.E.
On Thursday, we did the next lesson in our PSHE unit. We talked about the difference between illegal and legal drugs. For our activity, we had to sort different pictures into people we thought would use drugs and people we thought wouldn't. We learnt that you cannot judge this just by looking at someone. Computing was our second lesson on Thursday. We continued with coding and looked at nested loops.

Finally, we finished the week with French and P.E. In French we learnt how to say different foods in French. We then practiced them by playing games. It was lots of fun, and I was impressed with how confident you all were. Well done.

I hope you're having a lovely weekend,

Miss P

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