In English this week, we have continued with our unit on persuasive writing. This week we have been investigating vocabulary, unpicking the writing tools we need and determining what the planning structure is like for this type of writing. We have also been learning about relative clauses and how they can be embedded within a main clause.
In maths, we began the week by looking at how estimating can be used to help us solve a calculation. We then moved onto to looking at the different types of mental methods you can use for addition and subtraction. We were able to talk with our table partners and discuss which methods we liked using and why. Good work team.
In our afternoon sessions, we started the week by starting our new R.E topic. Our first lesson was all about the significance that titles have. We realised that most titles make us think of particular characteristics. For example, when we think of the title parent, we came up with the following words like safety, lovely, caring, funny, kind and home (this is just a small sample). We will use this idea to start thinking about the titles that are given to Jesus at Christmas time and what each of them mean.
In Computing this week, we finished creating our GoogleSlide presentations about the life of Queen Victoria. As part of the lesson, we learnt how to turn text into buttons by creating hyperlinks. By doing this, we have created an interactive presentation. I have to say, they do look very good.
On Tuesday, History filled our afternoons. In history, we looked at what it was like to be a rich person during the Victorian era. From our research, we found that the lives of the rich and poor were worlds apart. We then used all our knowledge to complete a Venn Diagram where we compared the lives on the rich and poor. We found out that a few things were similar, but not many!
On Wednesday, HeartSmart and P.E were the focus of your afternoon. In your HeartSmart lesson, you started a new unit which made us think about ways someone has shown us love through kind words or actions. As a class, we discussed the meaning of the word 'love' and how we can let love into our hearts. If we 'Let Love in' we will begin to strengthen our hearts. To describe ourselves in positive ways, we worked in pairs and wrote down – I am... and You are... We discussed how some of us find it hard to accept kind words being said to us. Positive comments from others are sometimes hard for us to receive and we will continue working on this. In P.E, you began by creating a mind map, on the whiteboard, of all of the things that came to mind when thinking about the Victorians. Then we chose three words to create actions. Finally, we picked six actions and put them together as a whole group dance.
On Thursday, French was our primary focus. We recapped the names of the different foods we learnt before half term and then went on to learnt how we say whether we like something or not. We learnt to say that we love, like, don't like and even detest something. We then used these skills to have mini conversations with each other and the we played a board game to consolidate our knowledge.
On Friday, you completed your next P.E session with Harry and we also spent our well being time thinking about our emotions. We read the story of the colour monster. At the start of the story his emotions are confused and so all of his colours are jumbled. He then learns to sort his emotions into different groups: sad, happy, fear, calm, anger and love. We had a go at filling our own jars with things that make us experience each of these emotions when we think of them.
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,
Miss P
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