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Y5 News 26.11.21

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What an exciting week it has been! Did you know that Santa came to visit us? He talked with us and we told him what was on our Christmas list. How exciting! It was also our first ever school Christmas Market on Thursday. It was a great hit! There were a number of stalls and activities to visit. One of the stalls was selling Christmas crafts. One of the crafts on sale was ours; we worked hard on Monday to create our Christmas crafts. We created beautiful pine cone Christmas trees. Your hard work paid off because they sold like hot cakes! Good work team.

We have been busy in English this week. At the start of the week, you were given the task of inventing a new mode of transport. There were some wonderful ideas and designs! We then used our persuasive writing skills to write an article to promote it. This was a completely independent piece and we tried hard to use the skills we have been learning about. It was lovely to see embedded relative clauses, persuasive phrases and 2nd person pronouns in your work (and it was so much fun reading about all your inventions).

In Maths, we started our unit on multiplication and division. We have been learning about multiples, factors and prime numbers this week. We realised that we really need to know our times table knowledge and the related division facts so make sure you get practicing them as you will need them for all of our lessons until Christmas.

In our afternoons, we have been busy with Christmas crafts, R.E, Science, French, P.E, Music, Geography and History! It has been a jam-packed week of learning.

In R.E, we learnt how to use bible references to find specific passages in the bible. The passages we were reading were linked to the Christmas story and whilst reading them we identified all the different names that Jesus is given at Christmas time. We discussed what they mean and why we think Jesus is given them.

In Science, we carried out an experiment to investigate water resistance. We wanted to know if the shape of a boat affected how it travelled through water. We learnt that boats with a pointed front travelled best through water because there was less water resistance acting upon them.

In Geography, we began our lesson by recapping what we had learnt about the British Empire. We discussed what was good and bad about the British Empire. We then went on to learn about the Commonwealth. We learnt that many of the former colonies of the British Empire became members of the Commonwealth. We talked about what it means to be a member of the Commonwealth and the role the Queen plays.

In History, we came to the end of unit so created a mind-map to share all the wonderful things we have learnt. We realised that we really have learnt so many new things. It was lovely to hear your historical conversations and your opinions on what it would have been like to be a Victorian.

This week in PE, we followed Joe Wicks and his Children In Need fitness session. We thoroughly enjoyed doing this. We were fantastic at getting the questions right too!

Considering how the words we listen to about ourselves and how they make us feel was this week's HeartSmart task. We wrote 2 truths and a lie about ourselves in order to show 'the lie' up as a lie! We asked the class to choose our lie. Next, in groups we chose a peer pressure scenario at act out. The main objective was to respond in the right way and divert ourselves away from a pressured situation. Being HeartSmart is being a good friend and knowing who your true friends are.

I hope you all having a lovely weekend,

Miss Pennance

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