First of all I want to say a huge well done! This week, it was our turn to completed our class worship. During the week we have been practicing, so when it was time to share it with our parents we were ready. Our worship was on our courageous advocacy project which is all about saving the bees. You shared the message clearly and you sang our song beautifully. Mrs Chesters and I are very proud of the wonderful job you did. Good work team!
This week was also Anti-Bullying week. We have completed lots of different activities to help us get a better understanding of bullying and what we can do if it's happening to us or someone we know.
On Monday, we started our week by looking at what bullying is. We first drew what we thought a bully/bullying looked like and shared our ideas. We established that bullying is hurting someone several times on purpose. We remembered the S.T.O.P acronym too. Next, we read different scenarios and sorted them into examples of being mean, rude or bullying. There were great conversations going on during this task.
On Tuesday, we completed a lesson called 'Crumbled Hearts'. In this lesson, we learnt the power of words. As part of the lesson, we said an unkind word and then crumpled up a paper heart. We said sorry to it and then opened it up. As we repeated the activity, we began to realise that the paper hearts represented our hearts and how we feel when someone is unkind to us. We also realised that saying sorry is important, but we have to change our behaviour as well because saying sorry and repeating the bad behaviour will continue to hurt someone. After learning about the power of unkind words, we then went on to learn about the power of kind words. We completed the 'One Kind Word' activity where we went around the room and wrote down one kind word about our classmates. When we returned to our seats, we read what people had written. It was lovely to see the smiles on your faces as you read the lovely things people had said about you. We learnt that words are powerful and we should do our best to do use them for good. We also read the book 'The Huey's in the New Jumper' on Tuesday afternoon too. We listened to the story and then wrote down what we thought the message behind the story was. We all agreed that the book is about accepting differences and understanding that it's ok to stand out from the crowd and be yourself.
On Wednesday, you had a break from Anti-Bullying activities as it was your P.E and Music afternoon. In Music, you had a jam packed lesson. First, you learnt a new song about the Victorians and you devised actions to accompany the lyrics. Miss Holland was so proud of how well you worked together. You then practiced our class worship song. Each time we sing this song, you are getting better and better! In P.E, you continued your dance unit. First, you started with Superman as a warm up dance! We all love the warm up dances and suggestions for others are coming in thick and fast! After the warm up, you thought back to last week and the dance moves we created from our mind maps. After our recap, you began adding more travel into those moves to enable us to cover more ground within our dance.
On Thursday, we were joined by PC Nick who told us all about how to stay safe online. We talked about what cyberbullying is and discussed what we can do if we feel this is happening to us. We then watched an NSPCC video hosted by Ant and Dec. It told us that we have the right to speak out and stay safe. To do this, we need to have trusted adults. We thought carefully about who our trusted adults are inside and outside of school. The video also told us about Childline, and we learnt that you can ring Childline day or night and there will always be someone there to listen to you.
On Friday, we completed our NSPCC activity. We started the lesson off by watching the 'Pants are Private' video. We then talked about the difference between good and bad touch. In our discussions, we decided that an example of good touch is being hugged by someone we love or getting a hi-five from our friends. We then discussed bad touch and decided that examples of bad touch were when someone pushes you or trips you up. We discussed that we are allowed to say no to people if we don't want to be touched and if we aren't comfortable with someone touching us we must go and tell our trusted adult.
In Maths this week, we finished our unit on Addition and Subtraction. We used our skills to help us solve one and two step word problems. You thought about the problems logically and all did an excellent job. In English, we completed our shared persuasive write. You have worked hard to use embedded relative clauses and persuasive language in your work. Well done team.
I hope you are all having a wonderful weekend,
Miss P
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