We have come to the end of another week! The time is flying.
In English this week, we have been boxing up the texting and creating a toolkit for writing warning stories. We have learnt that a warning story follows a key pattern: a warning is given, the characters ignore the warning, they get into trouble and luckily someone saves them. We then unpicked each paragraph to find the key literary tools that are used. We learnt that descriptive writing and speech play an important role. We also learnt about personification. This is when the writer says an object does something human. For example, the door yawned open. Can you think of another example? We have also started writing our shared stories this week. This is where we will learn the craft of writing a warning story (skills we will then use in our hot write). In our spelling unit this week, we have moved onto learning about words with 'ible' endings, and in our Book Club time we have started reading 'Street Child' by Berlie Doherty. We read the first two pages and used inference to make predictions about the characters and the story.
In Maths, we been learning how to count in powers of ten and how to find number sequences. By completing these lessons, we came to the end of our place value unit. Towards the end of the week, we were introduced to our new unit which is all about graphs and statistics. When looking at our new topic's vocabulary, we were introduced to dual line graphs and two-way tables. It looks like our new unit has got lots of interesting learning in store for us.
We began our afternoon lessons with Art and R.E. In art, we designed our final print blocks which we will be making and using next week to make our William Morris wallpapers. Part of the design process required us to learn about symmetrical patterns as all of Morris' designs were symmetrical. To do this, we recapped our knowledge of lines of symmetry and ensured nature inspired our work. In R.E, we are coming to the end of our unit on 'Good News' and we are now creating our artistic pieces which are about how the beatitudes can be applied to modern day scenarios.
On Tuesday, we spent our afternoon learning about water resistance and planning our next experiment. We learnt that water resistance slows an object down as it moves through water. We used this knowledge to create our inquiry question: Which shape will allow a boat to travel through water the fastest? We considered the variables we need to keep the same and decided upon the one variable that we will be changing. We will be making our boats and carrying out our experiment next week. Wish us luck!
On Wednesday, Miss Holland taught you your PSHE lesson and Mrs Jenkins took your P.E lesson. In PSHE, 'Watch What You Watch' was the focus. We learnt that in order to protect our precious minds and hearts, we need to be careful about what we see and what we watch. When we watch something positive, the effect can be good, but when we watch something negative and violent the effect can be not so good. Something seen can never be unseen. We spoke about having parental controls on our home devices as well as asking ourselves if we need to reduce our screen time or not. We then looked at age-appropriate symbols for films and games. Adverts online and on You Tube came up in our conversations. These appear and we know that if we see an inappropriate advert, we must tell a parent or responsible adult. Our practical task was to design a watch (like a smartphone) and design an app that sends an alert every time we watch or see something that isn't 'good' for us. In P.E, your focus was on attacking strategies. We were working on improving our movement and speed of passing. We practiced passing in a square and learnt how to pass into the square to our attacker without the defender intercepting.
On Thursday, we were visited by Lisa for another session on good and bad drugs. We talked about the difference between them and were shown examples of them. We learnt that both could come in tablets. We looked at some examples and saw that the tablets that bad drugs come in look very similar to the tablets that good drugs come in. Some even look like tic-tacs. We also looked at cannabis and learnt about the different forms it comes in. We talked about CBD and THC and the difference between them. We also talked about who could help us if someone approached us with drugs. We discussed that you should always go to a trusted adult. As a class, we said that parents, family members, teachers, childline and the police were good people to go to. It was another interesting session, and we learnt new things that will help us stay safe in the future.
After our session we Lisa, we moved onto computing. We have started creating our GoogleSlides presentations. We have learnt how to insert and format text. We have also learnt how to insert and format pictures. There were some technical difficulties along the way, but you were brilliant and worked very hard. Well done Year 5.
Finally, on Friday, we played some French games. We also learnt how to politely ask for things in French and then used our knowledge to have conversations with each other. Finally, we ended the day with Sportscape and Y3's class worship. We enjoyed watching them a lot and were very taken with the message they shared. We will certainly do our bit to look after the planet by not littering and recycling our plastics.
Have a lovely weekend,
Miss P
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