Wow, what a lovely week we have had in year 3!
In English this week, you have completed your boxing up for your shared write and started to write your own warning text! Your characters have been warned to stay away from Trevi Fountain in Rome, but do they listen? I cannot wait to read about the troubles your characters end up in!
In maths, you finished your unit on place value and we did an end of unit quiz to see how well you could remember everything. Then we started our new addition and subtraction unit exploring adding and subtracting 100s.
In history we explored the Roman invasion of Europe and the different stages over time. In RE, you looked at different images which represented God and explored how he is represented in many different ways. In computing, you become fantastic coders and use code studio to create your own game. In science this week, you explored igneous,
metamorphic and sedimentary rocks. First, you explored how these rocks are created. Then, you had a selection of 6 different rocks and had to do different tests to work out what type of rock each of them are. You used acid (vinegar, we had a very smelly classroom) to check for fizz, water to check if it was permeable and our eyes to check for grains, crystals and the surface type.
In our music lesson this week, we continued with our ukulele learning. We played string notes and open strings to ‘My dog has fleas.’ We self-assessed our ukulele skills to help us improve.
You also had a special guest on Friday who came to teach you taekwondo. Mr Wright taught you some very good moves and with the help of James you all became taekwondo masters!
I hope you are all having a great weekend! See you tomorrow!
Miss Holliwell
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street