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C of E Primary School

Y2 Weekly News: 22.10.21

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What a fantastic end to the half term we've all had this week. We've been clay creators once more, Wybunbury investigators and started our Study Work books too!

In English this week, we finished our new T4W unit on persuasive writing. We started by finishing our edits from our shared write, we used these throughout the week when it came to our hot write. We all planned our own writes and wrote to Boris Johnson to try and persuade him to give us litter pickers to help clean the planet. I was amazed to see so many children using contraction words, adverbs and paragraphing. Well done, Year 2!

In Maths, we wrapped up our unit on addition and subtraction. We spent the week looking at column subtraction and addition. We ensured to use the correct vocab of exchange. We were able to use our method to answer a range of questions and reflections. We also spent time on Friday building upon our knowledge of the bar model from Year 1. Well done, team!

In Reading and Phonics we continued to recap key sounds, spellings and practised our comprehension skills throughout the week. You all continued to read well at home and I'm blown away by the amazing book reviews you have been leaving!

In Art, we completed our clay chicken egg pots. It was brilliant to see you all using your skills you've built up through our art lesson. We were able to pinch, mould and sculpt our clay to create some wonderful sculptures. We will wait for the clay to dry and paint them when we return to school. They are sure to look amazing!

In Computing, we continued our coding journeys and carried on to develop our looping skills. We started by taking part in some unplugged coding, whereby we used language such as forwards, backwards and stop. From this, we looked at our new level called the artist. In this level, we had to use loops to create different types of patterns and drawings. Fantastic coding! We also started our Computing Study Work page with a specific focus upon coding. We discussed the key coding blocks we've used this term and added them to our colourful pages. Well done!

We continued our Geography unit all about Wybunbury this week. We spent time thinking about directional language and used Google Maps to plot a journey from school to the local post office. We thought about how we could use local landmarks, like Wybunbury Tower, to help make our instructions clearer. We also started our Study Work page. We used our sketch maps to plot different areas from our birds eye view of school. They are looking fantastic!

What a busy music lesson this week! First, we discussed the importance of looking after our recorders, listening at the correct time, being sensible, but most importantly HAVING FUN! We have been waiting patiently to learn how to play our recorders. We looked at how to hold our recorders, the position of our hands on the recorder, and which fingers cover the tone holes. We practised this numerous times so we felt comfortable holding it. Looking at the tone holes, we learnt that our little finger on our left hand and our thumb on our right hand are not needed and are 'free fingers.' Next, we learnt how to play a good sound on our recorders. Blowing warm, slow air, thinking 'two' not 'who' when blowing air into our recorders, making sure we had the correct posture and making sure that – leaks don't equal squeaks were the objectives. Finally, we learn how to play 'B' on our recorders. Year 2, you did so, so well today. Great work!

In R.E, we finished our learning on emotions and how we can feel better on the inside. We all completed a piece to explain how we can make others feel better on the inside. We used our knowledge of bible stories and also the work we've done around emotions to inform our answers. They were all so lovely to read.

On Friday, we took some time to focus on a very special person. As it's Black History Month, we learnt all about the life of Martin Luther King. We found out about his incredible story and produced some artwork around this. Our artwork represents the fact that we are all different on the outside, but so similar on the inside.

We spent time taking part in Worship over the week. Our favourite worship was certainly Year 3's worship all about their mission to stop plastic pollution!

Have a lovely half term!

Mr Dale

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