What a fantastic and busy week we've had In Y1 enjoying our third week all together.
In English we have been continuing our journey with our naughty bus. This week we looked at the problem and resolution in our story. We realised the problem in a journey story is when the character is in trouble. In our first story the naughty bus got distracted and fell into the river Thames. We changed this for our story and we all thought of some ideas of what could happen to our naughty bus. You all came up with some fantastic ideas but after a class vote we decided our naughty bus would fall into a mud pie. We then thought about our resolution and we learnt this is where the character is saved in the story and after another class vote we decided that the naughty bus would be saved by our yellow digger. We created some fantastic story sentences to go with each of these parts. We remembered our capital letters, full stops and even finger spaces. Well done Y1!
In maths, we have been continuing our journey on place value. You learnt about finding one more than and one less than. We realised that to find one more than we jump forwards on the number line and to find one less than we jump backwards. You were fantastic at this and really impressed me. On Wednesday, you were introduced to the language of greater than and less than. You were introduced to Charlie the crocodile who we found out only likes to eat bigger numbers. On the playground, you were set the task with a partner to put objects into two circles and then use the greater than, less than and equals to symbols to compare the objects. We had so much fun! Towards the end of the week, you were confidently answering questions about this in your power maths book.
In the afternoon, we have been very busy bees building upon our learning about materials in science and mixing different colours together
On Monday and Wednesday, both our focuses were around our science topic of materials. On Monday, you learnt that a property describes a material. We focused on the property 'strong' and 'weak'. First, you listened to the story of the three little pigs and we looked at the materials the pigs used to build their houses and how the bricks were described as being the strongest. You then excitedly built your own houses out of different materials. At the end of the lesson, we huffed and puffed to see which materials were strong and which materials were weak because their houses had blew down. We found out that plastic bricks, metal and wood were the strongest!
On Wednesday we learnt about another property which was called 'waterproof' and 'not waterproof'. We were set out a task where we had to find a waterproof material to make an umbrella out of because people on the top decker of the naughty bus kept getting wet when it rained. Before I told you the meaning of waterproof, you all put water on a t-shirt and then onto one of our outdoor jackets. You realised that the t-shirt material let the water through and dropped onto the table but the jacket didn't let the water through and it just stayed on top. You were then able to give me a perfect definition of waterproof and not waterproof. At the end of the lesson, we tested a range of different materials to see whether they were waterproof or not. We then decided on the best material to make our umbrellas out of and what materials we wouldn't use.
On Tuesday this week in music, we looked at percussion instruments. We remembered some of them from last year, and we were able to say which of the instruments make sounds when they are hit, shaken, rubbed or scratched. We then matched coloured instrument pictures to their shadows. This was tricky and we had to look carefully at their outline. Next, we jumped to our feet, copied our onscreen character and had great fun moving to the best. Head, shoulders, knees and toes was this week's song. We were then worn out after singing and doing the actions! Then we had a transport sound challenge. We had to listen to the sounds of the vehicles and predict which vehicle we thought each sound was. We did so well this task! What a great job Y1!
On Thursday, we started our art learning off by looking at primary colours and secondary colours. We found out that out primary colours are blue, yellow and red. You then went off to mix colours in different ways and in the classroom we created a colour wheel so we could remember what our secondary colours were. At the end of the lesson, we came together and discussed that our secondary colours were green, orange and purple and these are made by mixing our primary colours together. We had so much fun seeing the colours change.
On Friday, you built upon your learning in RE by listening to a parable told by Jesus which was called 'The two builders'. We role played the story and showed how if you were to build your house on sand it would easily fall down but if you were to build your house on rocks it wouldn't fall down in a storm. We were told that Christians believe if they are like the wise builder who built his house on rocks then you would listen to Jesus' teachings and act upon them. If you listened to Jesus' teachings and didn't act upon them you would be like the foolish builder who built his house on sand. You then created your two houses in your books and labelled them as the foolish builder and the wise builder.
What a fun and busy week we have had Y1!
Have a lovely weekend and I will see you on Monday morning.
Miss Haynes
01270 841302
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Bridge Street