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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news 1.10.21

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A fun filled week in Y1 full of harvest celebrations and a spectacular colour run to finish the week off.

In English this week, we found out that naughty bus had changed into a good bus after watching how well behaved we are in Y1. Our good bus collected us apples from the orchard, cleaned up all of our paint and even tidied up the classroom. We hope our good bus sticks around as he's super helpful. For your independent hot write, you planned and wrote a super story all about the good bus. It was lovely to read through all of your sentences and find out how helpful your good bus has been. Well done on super writing Y1!

In phonics this week, you split off into your small groups and worked hard with your phonics teacher. You confidently retained all your of your sounds that you had learnt this week. It was also lovely to hear you all read with such confidence!

In maths this week, you have been working hard on consolidating your knowledge around comparing numbers. I am super impressed with how amazing you all are at using the symbols to compare. We then moved onto ordering numbers from greatest to smallest and smallest to greatest. You were very good at this. Finally, towards the end of the week we looked at ordinal numbers and we understood that when we put objects/ people into an order they are ordered using the language first, second, third etc. We played a game where someone was the bus driver and he had to tell other children to go and sit on either the first, second, third etc seat. The child then had to work out which seat that was. We found ordinal numbers a little bit tricky but it is something we will keep looking at.

Our afternoons have been busy busy busy!

Next week, we will be celebrating harvest week by sending all of the children's families our Y1 and 2 harvest service. This week we spent lots of time practicing our harvest songs and we even did some acting and speaking. I was so impressed with your confidence to speak and act on camera and I know your families will love it! This will be sent out on Friday.

In science this week, we learnt what the word absorbent means by using a sponge and water. You found out that as you wipe a spillage with a sponge it disappears and that the sponge now holds the water. You defined absorbent as soaking up different liquids. We then were given an investigation to find out the best material to make a towel out of for the passengers on the hundred decker bus. You tested all of the materials and looked carefully to see which material soaked up the spillage the best. We concluded that the fabric cloth was the best and plastic was the poorest material to use.

In history this week, we continued our learning of the history of transport. We have now turned our focus to significant people in the history of transport and we looked at the Montgolfier brothers. We found out that the Montgolfier brothers are significant people in history because they invented the first hot air balloon. The children wrote post cards pretending they were the first passengers on the hot air balloon.

In RE, this week you continued your earning around the foolish and wise builder. We created a list of people who are like the wise builder and a list of people who are like the foolish people. We decided that robbers, people who speed on the roads, people who drop litter and bullies are all like the foolish people who don't listen to Jesus' teachings. You came up with the idea that nurses, teachers, police officers, doctors and vets are like the wise builder because they care for others. We then spent the rest of the lesson learning and singing the story using Makaton. You were very good at this!

'Move forwards, move forwards, turn' this was the language we heard in our exciting computing lesson on Wednesday. We started by recapping what an algorithm was and the symbol to move forward. We then built upon our knowledge by learning the symbol for then. We practiced following algorithms in class and then we went outside on the field. In your groups, you all had a course set up. One person was the coder and the rest of you were the robots who had to follow the instructions. You realised that you needed clear instructions so that your robot didn't get confused and mixed up. You then challenged yourself by setting up a new course and following a new set of instructions. I was so impressed with your turn taking and listening skills in this activity Y1.Well done!

I've got the power, you've got the power! This was the focus of this week's heartsmart lesson. We discussed sources of power (including ourselves). We listened to an excerpt from the song 'I've got the power!' By SNAP. Having listened to the main theme, we realised that we were the main sources of power in our classroom. Us being heart smart, is all about us using our power for the good and knowing how to use it well. Bible reference: 'for God loved the world so much that he gave his only son. God have his son so that whoever believes in him may not be lost, but have eternal life. John 3:16.

On Friday afternoon, our wonderful school PTA and volunteers organised a colour run for us. We were excited to run along the track whilst being splattered with all of the bright colours. It was an amazing experience that created long life memories for you whilst raising money for Team Lewis and our school. We want to say a huge thank you to all of the PTA and volunteers who helped to make the colour run happen, it was a lovely way to end our week. Even Miss Haynes and Miss Greatbanks loved running alongside all of the children!

What an exciting and busy week we've had Y1. Have a lovely rest over the weekend and we will see you again on Monday.

Miss Haynes

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