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C of E Primary School

Y1 weekly news 10.01.23

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What another brilliant week we have had in Y1!

In English, we learnt more about Wangari and how she was a courageous advocate for saving the trees also. We used a letter to show how Wangari may have got all the women in Kenya to plant trees. We learnt this letter using actions. You found out what it means to be persuasive and looked at some features of a persuasive letter. You then learnt about how the HS2 is affecting the woodlands in our country. On Friday, you planned your very own letter that you are going to write to the government. We can't wait to share these letters in your worship next term.

In phonics, you have been continuing to learn your new sounds. I have assessed your phonics this week and I am so impressed with how well you are retaining your sounds and reading them in words.

In maths, we have been continuing to look at numbers to 50. You have learnt how to count and recognise numbers to 50, show tens and ones in 50 by using different resources and you have also started to learn how to count in 10s. By the end of the week, you learnt how to add ones onto different tens e.g 40+2, 20+4. These were impressive skills!

In your afternoon learning you have been busy bees.

In RE, you answered the question 'Why did Jesus die on the cross?' You learnt about how Jesus was chosen to die on the cross to save us from our sins. We built upon our understanding of how Jesus lived a very sinless life and that he died so we could live a better life where we are forgiven for our sins and mistakes. You all wrote Jesus a card to say thank you for his salvation.

You had two science lessons this week. Your first science lesson was about looking at the body features of a mammal, bird and fish. You learnt about how they are different from each other. You had an activity where you categorised them depending on if they breathed using lungs/gills, what their body was covered in, if they gave live birth or laid eggs. You really enjoyed this and were super at differentiating between the animals. You also named all of the animals that you looked at. In your second lesson, you focused on learning about reptiles and amphibians and their body features. You were fantastic at recognising how they are different from each other. You then picked two animals from the vertebrate family and wrote about what they looked like and how they are still similar to each other.

In art this week, you focused on adding white to a colour to make it lighter and adding black to a colour to make it darker. You really enjoyed experimenting this with the colour blue. You were really interested to see how dark and light you could get the colour.

With Miss Holland this week you had a super lesson of planting some seeds and bulbs outside ready for spring. This will then help us with our plant topic in the summer.

Homework has not been set this week as I would like you to use the time to complete any outstanding homework ready for half term next week.

Have a wonderful weekend superstars.

See you on Monday,

Miss Haynes

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