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C of E Primary School

Worship Weekly

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This week...

Monday- Let your Light Shine! Matthew 5: 16. Year 6 began our week with our Celebration Worship. Who were our winners this week for house points, Headteacher awards and Guardian Angels?

Tuesday- House worship today

Wednesday-we continued listening to stories about people Jesus met and explored the story of Nathaniel from John 1 43-50 and discussed the value of community. 

Thursday- today we moved forward another couple of chapters in God's big story to the 1st book of Samuel. We are now in the time where Kings have taken over leadership of the people from the Judges. During this time, God used people like Samuel, called prophets, to send messages to his people. Today's story was about how God chose Samuel.

We thought about things which we can hear if we are still and stop for that rare moment of stillness. What are we thankful for?

Dear God
Thank you for the story of Samuel and what it teaches about listening. Thank you for our ears so we can hear. Help us to use our ears wisely and listen carefully when others are talking. Help us to listen well to each other in school this week.

Friday – Our Friday worship was a round up of our Interfaith week work and message.

Let your light shine- Matthew 5: 16

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