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Welcome back to PE news 9.9.22

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Welcome back to a new year of PE! It's been lovely to see everyone back and to meet all of our new children!

This half term will see us jump straight back in with Invasion Games Skills, so across years 1 to 6, we will learn and practise the fundamental skills involved in invasion games like football, netball, rugby, hockey and basketball. Alongside this we have Hayley and Ebony from Sports Coaching Group teaching sessions of football and indoor athletics, in preparation for upcoming competitions. Forest school has also made a welcome return.

Years 1 and 2 began with a game of 'Farmer, Farmer', with a focus on dodging. We followed with lots of work on bouncing. We worked on our two-handed bouncing, trying to keep our ball bouncing the same height each time. Some of us even tried bouncing with one hand and catching with two. Then we moved into pairs and practised bounce passes. Finally, we learned how to rotate our hands to push the ball away in a chest pass.

Years 4, 5 and 6 also started with 'Farmer, Farmer', focussing on attacking and defending tactics and finding space. We followed with a game of 'Rob the Nest', using all of our teamwork tactical skills! We finished by practising our bouncing. We looked at how we need to keep our hands soft so that we didn't 'slap' the ball and tried different bounces with one and two hands. We moved around, keeping control of the ball, even doing laps of the daily mile track! We also looked at bounce passes, with lots of us managing to bounce pass two balls at a time.

A super first week back. Well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Jenkins

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