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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Weekly Worship Round Up 20.1.23

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This week...

Monday- Year 6 have led our Celebration Worship. Our show aims to 'Help every child to SHINE' our worship celebrates the successes of last week – house points, Headteacher awards and Guardian Angels. Who were our winners this week?

Tuesday- House worship is now a Tuesday. This week explored the story of Corrie Ten Boom, a hero of faith, who stood up for others in need at great risk to herself and her family. After the second world war she travelled around the world, explaining to people the importance of forgiveness and love. Corrie forgave the people who had treated her and her family so badly. There is a verse in the Bible that says, 'You are my hiding place; you will protect me from trouble and surround me with songs of deliverance.' Psalm 32: 7 -Corrie believed that God was her hiding place.

Wednesday -People that Jesus met- this week we explored how Jesus met John Baptist by the River Jordan from the book of Matthew, chapter 3 v 13-17 and reflected on the value of hope through the emotions expressed at that special moment with the voice from heaven and the appearance of what looked like a dove.

Thursday- People of God – up next this week in our journey through the Bible is Gideon – Judges 6-8.Gideon listened and was a 'courageous learner' We thought about positive, or powerful words to describe ourselves and others and how we show we are good listeners and courageous learners.
Dear God
Thank you for the story of Gideon. Thank you that we all have strengths and talents we can use to help others. Help us to listen even when we are asked to do something big or challenging. Help us to have courage to say yes.

Friday – Year 6 led worship for us in school and their families. Showing how they are becoming champions, courageous advocates for animals and the Blue Cross – Book of Proverbs 31: 8-9:
"Our hope is to grow communities of people who have the courage to speak up for those who cannot speak for themselves."You spoke beautifully and sang brilliantly to deliver your message.

Let your light shine- Matthew 5: 16

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