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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Weekly Worship Round Up 13.1.23

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This week...

Monday- We gathered in our house families for a Pause for Thought worship to consider who should we copy and who we shouldn't copy. We reflected on our Christian values from the Fruits of the Spirits and how we apply them in our daily life.

Dear God,
Thank you for the people who teach us new things that we can copy and learn.

Thank you for all the good things that we can copy that can help to make us feel good about ourselves.
Thank you for the times when we feel love, joy, peace, goodness, kindness, faithfulness, patience, gentleness and self-control.
Please help us to make good decisions about what we should and shouldn't copy.


Tuesday- Reverend Alison visited us to lead worship. This term her focus is the stories of Jesus, his parables and this week we focused on the Parable of the Lost Sheep.

Wednesday – Mrs. Ward continued with Roots and Fruits exploring people Jesus met. This week we focused on Jesus meeting the teachers in the temple at the age of 12 years old and showing great wisdom by asking wise questions. We reflected on asking wise questions is an important skill.

Thursday – Mrs. Chesters continued our journey through the Bible. This week we focused on the story of Joshua and the Battle of Jericho (Joshua 6: 1-20). We reflected on how Joshua followed God's advice, he was courageous, patience and didn't give up.

Dear God
Thank you for our learning about the story of Joshua today and how you helped Joshua in his time of need.
Help us when we find things are difficult.
Thank you for the people who help us when things are difficult.


Friday- Year 5 led worship for us in school and their families. They have shared their journey to help 'Save the Bees' by becoming champions, courageous advocates, for the cause. It was lovely that they were able to share with their families.

Next week ... we are making a change to our worship timetable and Year 6 will begin our week by leading our Celebration Worship – HELP EVERY CHILD TO SHINE!

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