'Share God's love, shine God's light, we're pumpkin heroes and we shine real bright'.
This week we have been pumpkin heroes and have been introduced to Patch the Pumpkin. We learned that his heart glows when he shows kindness and believes in others. His message teaches us the importance of believing in others – just as God has chosen and believes in all of us. It has been lovely to light your carved pumpkins to spread this message and shine God's light and love into the world.
This week we have also been celebrating our differences with Patch the Pumpkin and have been talking about what makes us all unique as part of Black History Month. We learned that Patch the Pumpkin was teased because he was born with a heart patch on his skin, this made Patch feel sad and lonely. Patch did not want others to feel like this so he created a 'Peace Club' with 4 simple rules:
1. Be Kind
2. Share
3. Be Helpful
4. Include
He reminds us that if we love and care for others our heart glows and light shines out of us. If a love like that shines out of each of us and our hearts grow bigger and bigger, it could change the whole world.
Throughout the week we have also enjoyed lots of pumpkin activities. We created our own patch the pumpkin remembering to give him a heart. We used small pumpkins to roll and create marks and explored colour mixing. We have enjoyed using shape to give our pumpkins a face. Developed our gross and fine motor skills by hammering pins into pumpkins. We enjoyed a science experiment. Using vinegar and baking powder we LOVED making our pumpkins pour (erupt) God's love into the world! We have explored the inside of a pumpkin; we used knives to chop the pumpkin and have used our hands to scoop out seeds. We then roasted the seeds and tasted them as part of our snack and made pumpkin soup -- yummy! And we have baked cakes and biscuits. You can view photographs from our week in our earlier posts.
Thank you for all your wonderful effort with dressing as a pumpkin each day, it has been a perfect way to end our first half term together.
Enjoy your break and have a restful week our little pumpkins and remember to keep shining!
Tara, Libby and Ashleigh x
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