We have had another very busy week this week in preschool.
In our Heartsmart Sessions this week we have read the book 'Boris the Robot'. We looked at what materials Boris is made from, and what shapes and colours had been used. The children then were able to make their very own Boris in our Build-a-Boris workshop.
The children have enjoyed singing our number rhyme for this week 'Three Fat Sausages' and are now very good at showing finger numbers up to 3.
This week we have introduced the story of 'The Colour Monster' to help us to learn to talk about and express our feelings.
The children have continued to work hard trying to put their own coats, shoes and wellies on. It is lovely to see how proud they are when they accomplish this independently.
Our small group activities this week have included a circle time where the children have talked about their families and played a colour matching game.
We have added a 'Squiggle while you Wiggle' session to our day where the children have been moving their bodies, stretching out their shoulders, arms and hands to get ready for writing.
In our Wonderful me topic we have been looking at our sense of sight, exploring and colouring in pictures of our eyes and enjoying the story of 'Brown Bear Brown bear what do you see?'
Next week we will be introducing the story of 'Polar bear polar bear what do you hear?' and using our good listening ears on a listening walk.
Have a wonderful weekend
The Preschool Team
Helen, Libby and Kim
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street