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C of E Primary School

PE News

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We've had another great week of PE!
Years 1 and 2 continued with our new gymnastics units. Unfortunately, the hall was already in use, so we headed outside to use the adventure playground as our apparatus. We practised our walking, lifting our knee high, extending our leg and placing our toes down first. We did this with slowly and with control. We then looked at ways we could travel along, over and under the apparatus as well as holding a balance for 3 seconds.
Years 3 began our gymnastics unit this week. We also focussed on control and quality of movement. We put together sequences of; balance, move in a high position, balance, move in a low position and finish with another balance. Then we showed each other our super work!
Years 4, 5 and 6 started our dance units. All three classes started with the Cha-Cha Slide as a warm up dance, much to our amusement!
Year 4 and 5 began by creating a mind map, on the whiteboard, of all of the things that came to mind when thinking about the Vikings (y4) and the Victorians (y5). Then we chose three words to create actions. Finally, we picked six actions and put them together as a whole group dance.
Year 6 watched a Charleston tutorial and had a go at some Charleston based Just Dance routines. Then we had a think about the characteristics of the dance. We decided that it was fast, funny, bouncy and that the foot swivel and jazz hands were very important. We went into groups to start creating our own Charleston routines. We will continue with these next week.
Another great week of PE again with some super performances and brilliant skills! Well done everyone!
Mrs Jenkins

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