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C of E Primary School

PE News 5.5.23

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It's been another great week on the field where we have continued our athletics unit.

This week our focus was on some of our track events.

We started with a sustained run again. We aimed to add another half lap onto our laps run from last week.

Our first station was bean bag race. We tried different techniques and strategies to see which was fastest. We looked at trying to pick up the bean bags while we're turning, to make us quicker.

Station two was relay. We practised swapping the baton right hand to right hand and making sure we stretched our arms out so we could take the baton quickly.

At station three, we worked on our sprint starts. We got into our ready position and drove as hard as we could, for a short distance, from one cone to the next.

Station four was hurdles. We had low and higher hurdles in two rows. We aimed to jump as flat as possible, keeping the jump as part of our sprinting, so that we could go faster.

Our final station was sprint shuttles around the track. Every red cone indicated sprinting and yellow cones meant walking and recovery.

Everyone was amazing, well done!

Have a lovely weekend.

Mrs Jenkins

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