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C of E Primary School

PE News 30.9.22

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What a fabulous fourth week we've had!

Years 1 and 2 moved inside due to the rain and focussed on ball skills and accuracy. We used the big and small sponge balls and rotated around four skills stations. We did throwing and catching; either individually or with a partner, throwing the large sponge balls into hoops on the floor; making it easier or harder by going closer or further away. Bowling the small sponge balls at cones and two games that involved bouncing small plastic balls into a tray. Unfortunately, the IPad misbehaved so we have no photos!

Years 3 and 4 worked our way around three skills stations. We did basketball, football and rugby. At the basketball and football stations we focussed on dribbling, weaving in and out of cones and going around them. We worked on using both hands and either side of out feet. In rugby, some of us practised passing the ball sideways and slightly behind us, while others worked on passing while moving.

Years 5 and 6 began by practising our skills at the same three stations; basketball, football and rugby. We also tried challenging ourselves have a go at a harder skill. Then we moved on to a leadership role, where the aim was to think about, and try, short games that could introduce some of the skills needed in the three sports, to younger children. We came up with some great ideas! Mrs Jenkins' favourite was piggy in the middle!

Another great week. Well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Jenkins

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