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C of E Primary School

PE News- 24.3.23

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It’s been a windy old week in PE.

Years 1 & 2 worked on the playground and rotated around different stations to practise using both types of clubs. We used a lot of the playground markings, such as hopscotch and the caterpillar to practise our target skills, aiming for a particular number. We also used the barriers, pushed close together to aim in straight lines to get the ball through the gap.

Years 3 & 4 continued on from last week, designing and playing their own golf course. In small groups they designed a different hole using a putter or a chipper. Once they had created their hole and practised on it they then moved around the whole course, trying to keep their score as low as possible.

Years 5 & 6 were tasked with continuing with Frisbee but taking into consideration the high winds. This week we worked in small groups to play frisbee in a similar way to tennis and volleyball. We had to throw the frisbee into our opponents area trying to land it without them catching it. We scored a point if we did.

A super week!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Jenkins

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