We have had a mixed weather week again in PE.
Years 1 & 2 moved inside, due to the forecast rain. We completed a gentle circuit session to begin with. We moved around a series of exercises like, high knees, balances, two footed jumps and crab walks. After a quick break we worked as teams to try some teambuilding games. We joined hands, in a circle, and had to pass a hoop around the circle without breaking the chain. We also created shapes, such as snakes, tables etc. using every person in our group. It definitely gave us a lot to think about!
Years 3 took part in a cricket session with Chance to Shine.
Year 4 continued their golf unit by designing and playing their own golf course. In small groups they designed a hole based on the club they chose, a putter or a chipper. Once they had created their hole and practised on it they then moved around the whole course, trying to keep their score as low as possible.
Years 5 & 6 were able to move outside to continue with Frisbee. This week we worked in pairs and were given hoops, cones and frisbees and sent off around the daily mile track to design and build our own frisbee golf hole. We used a cone to make the throwing point and a hoop as the hole for the frisbee to land in. We were able to use other cones and natural hazards like trees, to make it more complicated. Once we had completed and practised on our own, we then moved around the rest of the holes, scoring 1 point for each throw taken to get the frisbee into the hoop. The lowest score wins.
A fantastic week!
Have a lovely weekend!
Mrs Jenkins
01270 841302
Wybunbury Delves
Bridge Street