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C of E Primary School

PE News 16.9.22

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What a super second week we've had!

Years 1 and 2 continued working on the dodging techniques from last week. We played crossover where teams stood at North, South, East and West. When the whistle blew we travelled to our opposite space, making sure we dodged everyone else. We started by walking and then got faster each time. We then moved on to playing tag, tag. We all started with tags (tails) tucked into waistbands and had to try and collect tags from others while protecting our own.

Years 3 and 4 took on passing and moving skills in football and netball. In groups of four, we stood three people at cones, set around a square, while the fourth was in the centre. Centre passed the ball to a player at a cone and another player had to run to the spare cone to ensure there were players either side of the player with the ball. This continued with each player, getting faster each throw. In football, four players stood at cones with a fifth cone free. Players passed the ball and ran to the free cone. We finished with a game of Tag, Tag.

5 and 6 also started with the netball and football, pass and move, skills stations. We added a challenge to make the coned areas bigger and use a wide variety of shots and stopping techniques. We finished with a game that crossed over netball and dodgeball. We split into two teams. One around the outside of a small pitch, the other inside, at one end. There were two safe zones at either end. The team on the inside had to cross to the opposite end without being hit by a ball. The team on the outside had to throw the ball to try and hit the other team. They also needed to pass quickly and were only allowed to move if they didn't have the ball. We mixed it up a bit by adding more balls!

Another great week. Well done everyone!

Have a lovely weekend!

Mrs Jenkins

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