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C of E Primary School

PE News 1.10.21

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Wow! What has happened to the weather Wybunbury! It's been a rather soggy week!
Years 1 and 2 continued with invasion games skills. The rain moved us into the hall so we focussed on dodging. The smaller space meant we had to really watch where everyone else was! We stood in groups at N, S, E, W, NE, NW, SE and SW then moved across to our opposite position i.e. N to S. We used coloured cones to help us with this. We had to cross over at the same time as other people without bumping into anyone. We started slowly then got a bit faster and eventually we added a ball and practised throwing and catching at the same time. Year 2 then used the hockey sticks to play a game of Rob the Nest, where we had to run to the circle and dribble a ball back to our nest. Year 1 moved back to the classroom and finished with a Sonic Cosmic Kids yoga session.
Years 3 and 4 focussed on basketball. We warmed up with a couple of laps of the dailymile track followed by a game of Farmer, Farmer. We then played a game of cat and mouse where we had to follow our partners both bouncing our balls. When number 1 was shouted we had to throw our balls to our partner using a chest pass, on number 2 we bounced the ball to our partner and on 3 we swapped places. Afterwards, we tried bouncing our balls in unison. We followed Mrs Jenkins' lead and all had to bounce our balls at the same time making sure we copied exactly the number of bounces and the speed. It was really tricky but we were brilliant! We then moved on to the playground for some shooting practise.
Years 5 and 6 focussed on goalkeeping and defending. We were working on our decision making. Did we come out of the goal to the defender or did we stay back? Why did we make that decision? We gave some fantastic answers and Mrs Jenkins was very impressed! We practised with football and handball. We rotated through different positions, taking on the roles of goalkeeper, defender, attacker and feeder. We were able to put our skills into practise in small sided games of football and handball.
Another fantastic week of PE again with some super skills on show and many outstanding performances! Well done everyone!
Have a super weekend!
Mrs Jenkins

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