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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

Operation Christmas Child-Shoe Box Appeal 2021

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We are really excited to once again be a collection point for Operation Christmas Child, the world's largest Christmas project, bringing joy and hope to children in need children around the world through gift-filled shoe boxes.

Each year children and adults from across the UK wrap, pack and fill around 1 million shoeboxes with gifts, which they then send to children in need overseas.

Please follow the links below to see some gift suggestions, how to pack a shoe box and the main page 'what we do' link includes the Operation Christmas Child video.




We would love for as many children as possible to get involved. This is a wonderful opportunity for them to help make a real difference to the many children in need across the world who otherwise would not receive any gifts at Christmas time.

The boxes can be dropped off in the conservatory anytime up until Friday 12th November 2021.

Thank you for your ongoing support!

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Bridge Street

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