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C of E Primary School

Merry Christmas from PE

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What an amazing term we’ve had!

We have completed our dance units and enjoyed a fantastic choice session full of Just Dance routines, dance games, team building games and creating our own showstopper dances!

Throughout the whole term we have honed our Invasion Games skills of attacking, defending, marking, creating space, passing, stopping, turning, dodging and teamwork. We have also learned about rhythm, timing, counting beats, interpreting actions, moving with different music, speed, levels and motifs. We have created our own dances to a variety of stimuli. We have performed dances to our peers and our families and some of us even had the pleasure of dancing with our grandparents!

We have also seen the return of inter school competitions. It has been amazing to return to Sportshall Athletics for both KS2 and KS1 as well as boys and girls football.

We have also had guest sports providers in school delivering very popular boxing and tae-kwando sessions.

We have fitted a lot of learning into a short space of time.

Next half term will see us staying in the hall for gymnastics up until the February break.

Thank you for all of your cards and presents, they are very much appreciated!

I hope you all have a lovely, restful Christmas and New Year with your families and I will see you in 2023!

Mrs Jenkins

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