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Wybunbury Delves
C of E Primary School

KS2 Harvest Service

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On Friday 7th October KS2 led our Harvest Service at St. Chad's. It was lovely to welcome so many parents/carers to join us in our Harvest celebration.The children did a fantastic job of reminding us all we have to be thankful for. Through Bible readings, poems, singing and prayer we gave thanks for the harvest; shared the wonders from God's garden and we have celebrated all the good things that the earth provides for us; we thought about others and how we can make a difference. Thank you for all the kind donations to the Nantwich Food Bank.

Psalm 67: 6 ~ The land has produced its harvest; God, our God, has blessed us.

God has shown us that we can plant and sow many things and that we can have a harvest of goodness all year round with careful planning, planting and nurturing. We encourage you to:

Plant Four Rows of Peas
1. Peace within ourselves
2. Peace with each other
3. Peace in our school
4. Peace in our world

Plant Four Rows of Squash
1. Squash unkindness
2. Squash rudeness
3. Squash unhelpfulness
4. Squash selfishness

Plant Four Rows of Lettuce
1. Lettuce be hardworking
2. Lettuce be kind
3. Lettuce be patient
4. Lettuce show our care for one another

Plant Four Rows of Turnips
1. Turn up when you're needed
2. Turn up to lend a hand
3. Turn up to help one another
4. Turn up and make a difference

Plant Four Rows of Thyme
1. Thyme for ourselves
2. Thyme for each other
3. Thyme for family
4. Thyme for friends

Let us all be farmers who harvest all God's fruits, the real fruits of life – the Fruits of the Spirit.

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Bridge Street

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