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C of E Primary School

Interfaith Week 2024

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interfaith weekinterfaith weekinterfaith weekinterfaith week

Our Interfaith week this week, was enriched by a very special visitor, Imran Kotwal, who kindly shared insights into his Muslim faith. Together we explored the 5 pillars of Islam, recalling key facts from his previous visit to develop our understanding of the basic norms of Islamic practice.
We listened with fascination to a story that involved Angel Gabriel and made connections to the Christian faith where Angel Gabriel delivered important messages for God.

It was lovely to come together today for aspecial worship to share our discussions and reflections after engagingwith a Muslim folk tale, "Nasruddin and the Banquet," during the week in our RE sessions. We discussed the importance of not judging others based on appearances and the clothes they wear, which we expressed as 'Don't judge a book by the cover, it's what's in the inside that counts.'
The key messages we took from our week were respect and tolerance. The world we live in is diverse and we should learn to enjoy and respect each other's differences.

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